How to generate repeatable random sequences with rand-int

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你的背包 2021-02-08 18:22

I want to be able to generate repeatable numbers using rand in Clojure. (Specifically, I want results of calls to rand-nth or Incanter\'s sample

  • 2021-02-08 18:30

    Here's how you might define the function generator that you can seed that I described in the comments.

    If you don't want doubles, see the Javadoc.

    user=> (defn randfn
      #_=>   ([] (randfn (java.util.Random.)))
      #_=>   ([r] #(.nextDouble r)))
    user=> (def source1 (randfn))
    user=> (source1)
    user=> (source1)

    Here's how you might create it with a seeded Random number generator.

    user=> (def source2 (randfn (java.util.Random. 37)))
    user=> (take 3 (repeatedly #(source2)))
    (0.7276532767062343 0.5136790759391296 0.7384220244718898)
    user=> (def source3 (randfn (java.util.Random. 37)))
    user=> (take 3 (repeatedly #(source3)))
    (0.7276532767062343 0.5136790759391296 0.7384220244718898

    As a bonus, you could also use the newish ThreadLocalRandom or the not very new at all SecureRandom as your random number generators.

    user=> (def secure-source (randfn (
    user=> (take 3 (repeatedly #(secure-source)))
    (0.9987555822097023 0.48452119609266475 0.443029180668418)
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  • 2021-02-08 18:31

    just wanted to add, for anyone still looking at this, there is already a library on clojars since 2015 that does this:

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  • 2021-02-08 18:33

    A clean way:

    (def ^:dynamic *rand* clojure.core/rand)
    (defn rand-1
       (*rand* 1))
       (*rand* n)))
    (defmacro with-rand-seed
     "Sets seed for calls to random in body. Beware of lazy seqs!"
     [seed & body]
      `(let [g# (java.util.Random. ~seed)]
         (binding [*rand* #(* % (.nextFloat g#))]
          (with-redefs [rand rand-1]

    It redefines rand within the scope. Example:

    (with-rand-seed 9
      (rand 4)       ; => 2.9206461906433105
      (rand-int 10)) ; => 2

    BTW. Beware of lazy seqs: (Apparently, this link redirects to https without a trusted certificate so here's a link to a version at Web Archive:

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-08 18:40

    From what I understand, none of the above are functional approaches. If you want that, you can use a lazy-seq:

    (letfn [(f [randomizer]  (lazy-seq (cons (.nextInt randomizer) (f randomizer))))]
      (defn create-random 
        ([] (f (java.util.Random.)))
        ([seed] (f (java.util.Random. seed)))))

    To get the first random number you use:

    (first (create-random 0)) ;; using 0 as seed

    To get the rest of the sequence you use:

    (rest (create-random 0)) ;; again 0 as seed

    To get the first element and a reference to the rest you can use:

    (defn pop [x (create-random 0)]
         (n, rest) `(~(first x) ~(rest x)))
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-08 18:43

    In the original question, two things are misunderstood:

    • How to use dynamic vars
    • How to use

    First, dynamic vars should be managed via the binding macro. Second rand is not a function of, but of clojure.core itself and thus resetting the *rnd* var doesn't have effect. So here is how you should do it:

    (require '[ :as gen])
    (binding [gen/*rnd* (java.util.Random. 437)]
      (println (gen/double)) ;=> 0.7634858067742888
      (println (gen/double)) ;=> 0.6959205688388975
    (binding [gen/*rnd* (java.util.Random. 437)]
      (println (gen/double)) ;=> 0.7634858067742888
      (println (gen/double)) ;=> 0.6959205688388975
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-08 18:45

    Clojure's rand relies on the random method in java.lang.Math:

    user=> (source rand)
    (defn rand
      "Returns a random floating point number between 0 (inclusive) and
      n (default 1) (exclusive)."
      {:added "1.0"
       :static true}
      ([] (. Math (random)))
      ([n] (* n (rand))))

    According to the Oracle Java 7 documentation at

    public static double random()

    Returns a double value with a positive sign, greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0. Returned values are chosen pseudorandomly with (approximately) uniform distribution from that range.

    When this method is first called, it creates a single new pseudorandom-number generator, exactly as if by the expression

    new java.util.Random()

    This new pseudorandom-number generator is used thereafter for all calls to this method and is used nowhere else.

    This method is properly synchronized to allow correct use by more than one thread. However, if many threads need to generate pseudorandom numbers at a great rate, it may reduce contention for each thread to have its own pseudorandom-number generator.


    a pseudorandom double greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than 1.0.

    If you browse the java.lang.Math documentation, you will see that it does not have an API to allow setting of a random number generator seed. Code using the random() API does not get the ability to set the seed or hold onto different copies of the random number generator.

    The original question was:

    I want to be able to generate repeatable numbers using rand in Clojure. [e.g. clojure.core/rand]

    This is not possible, unless you use your own rand function. So, instead of clojure.core/rand, I suggesting using which exposes the random number generator as a dynamic var *rnd*:

    (def ^:dynamic ^java.util.Random
         "Random instance for use in generators. By consistently using this
    instance you can get a repeatable basis for tests."
         (java.util.Random. 42))

    Use gen/*rnd* as shown in this example:

    (require '[ :as gen])
    (binding [gen/*rnd* (java.util.Random. 12345)]

    This always returns -593551136.

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