Having namespaces seems like no-brainer for most languages. But as far as I can tell, ANSI C doesn\'t support it. Why not? Any plans to include it in a future standard?
ANSI C was invented before namespaces were.
just historical reasons. nobody thought of having something like a namespace at that time. Also they were really trying to keep the language simple. They may have it in the future
C has namespaces. The syntax is namespace_name
. You can even nest them as in general_specific_name
. And if you want to be able to access names without writing out the namespace name every time, include the relevant preprocessor macros in a header file, e.g.
#define myfunction mylib_myfunction
This is a lot cleaner than name mangling and the other atrocities certain languages commit to deliver namespaces.
Because people who want to add this capability to C have not gotten together and organized to put some pressure on compiler author teams and on ISO bodies.
C doesn't support namespaces like C++. The implementation of C++ namespaces mangle the names. The approach outlined below allows you to get the benefit of namespaces in C++ while having names that are not mangled. I realize that the nature of the question is why doesn't C support namespaces (and a trivial answer would be that it doesn't because it wasn't implemented :)). I just thought that it might help someone to see how I've implemented the functionality of templates and namespaces.
I wrote up a tutorial on how to get the advantage of namespaces and/or templates using C.
Namespaces and templates in C
Namespaces and templates in C (using Linked Lists)
For the basic namespace, one can simply prefix the namespace name as a convention.
namespace MY_OBJECT {
struct HANDLE;
HANDLE *init();
void destroy(HANDLE * & h);
void do_something(HANDLE *h, ... );
can be written as
struct MY_OBJECT_HANDLE *my_object_init();
void my_object_destroy( MY_OBJECT_HANDLE * & h );
void my_object_do_something(MY_OBJECT_HANDLE *h, ... );
A second approach that I have needed that uses the concept of namespacing and templates is to use the macro concatenation and include. For example, I can create a
template<T> T multiply<T>( T x, T y ) { return x*y }
using template files as follows
_multiply_type_ _multiply_(multiply)( _multiply_type_ x, _multiply_type_ y);
_multiply_type_ _multiply_(multiply)( _multiply_type_ x, _multiply_type_ y) {
return x*y;
We can now define int_multiply as follows. In this example, I'll create a int_multiply.h/.c file.
#ifdef _multiply_
#undef _multiply_
#define _multiply_(NAME) int ## _ ## NAME
#ifdef _multiply_type_
#undef _multiply_type_
#define _multiply_type_ int
#include "multiply-template.h"
#include "int_multiply.h"
#include "multiply-template.c"
At the end of all of this, you will have a function and header file for.
int int_multiply( int x, int y ) { return x * y }
I created a much more detailed tutorial on the links provided which show how it works with linked lists. Hopefully this helps someone!
Historically, C compilers don't mangle names (they do on Windows, but the mangling for the cdecl
calling convention consists of only adding an underscore prefix).
This makes it easy to use C libraries from other languages (including assembler) and is one of the reasons why you often see extern "C"
wrappers for C++ APIs.