What\'s the API call to display an Explorer window with a specified file selected? Exactly as happens when you click the \"Find Target...\" button in the Properties dialog of a
Since you wanted a name only: IShellLink?
You're looking for IExplorerBrowser::BrowseToObject, I think. Based on the very vague, non-specific question and comments with no additional information when asked for it, it's the best guess I can provide. IExplorerBrowser
has a lot of additional functionality you may want to explore as well, in case this specific method isn't exactly what you're looking to find.
This function opens explorer, and selects the specified file:
uses ShellAPI, ...;
procedure TForm1.ShowFile(const aFileName:String);
ShellExecute(Handle, 'OPEN', PChar('explorer.exe'), PChar('/select, "' + aFileName + '"'), nil, SW_NORMAL)
procedure TForm1.ShowFolder(const aPath:String);
ShellExecute(Handle, 'OPEN', PChar('explorer.exe'), PChar('/root, "' + aPath + '"'), nil, SW_NORMAL)
Or is this the "commandline" that you didn't want to use?
You need SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems. This question was early discussed here -
Programmatically selecting file in explorer
Dont forget to call CoInitialize before first use of SHOpenFolderAndSelectItems