In a previous question I discovered the existence of Conor McBride\'s Kleisli arrows of Outrageous Fortune while looking for ways of encoding Idris examples in Haskell. My effor
Another nice example is mutexes with lock-unlock check at compile time. You can find this example on Stephen Diehl website:
I think the below should count as a practical example: statically enforcing "well-stackedness" in a compiler. Boilerplate first:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
import qualified Prelude
import Prelude hiding (return, fail, (>>=), (>>))
Then a simple stack language:
data Op (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) where
IMM :: a -> Op i (a ': i)
BINOP :: (a -> b -> c) -> Op (a ': b ': i) (c ': i)
BRANCH :: Label i j -> Label i j -> Op (Bool ': i) j
and we won't bother with real Label
data Label (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) where
Label :: Prog i j -> Label i j
and Prog
rams are just type-aligned lists of Op
data Prog (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) where
PNil :: Prog i i
PCons :: Op i j -> Prog j k -> Prog i k
So in this setting, we can very easily make a compiler which is an indexed writer monad; that is, an indexed monad:
class IMonad (m :: idx -> idx -> * -> *) where
ireturn :: a -> m i i a
ibind :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
-- For RebindableSyntax, so that we get that sweet 'do' sugar
return :: (IMonad m) => a -> m i i a
return = ireturn
(>>=) :: (IMonad m) => m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
(>>=) = ibind
m >> n = m >>= const n
fail = error
that allows accumulating a(n indexed) monoid:
class IMonoid (m :: idx -> idx -> *) where
imempty :: m i i
imappend :: m i j -> m j k -> m i k
just like regular Writer
newtype IWriter w (i :: [*]) (j :: [*]) (a :: *) = IWriter{ runIWriter :: (w i j, a) }
instance (IMonoid w) => IMonad (IWriter w) where
ireturn x = IWriter (imempty, x)
ibind m f = IWriter $ case runIWriter m of
(w, x) -> case runIWriter (f x) of
(w', y) -> (w `imappend` w', y)
itell :: w i j -> IWriter w i j ()
itell w = IWriter (w, ())
So we just apply this machinery to Prog
instance IMonoid Prog where
imempty = PNil
imappend PNil prog' = prog'
imappend (PCons op prog) prog' = PCons op $ imappend prog prog'
type Compiler = IWriter Prog
tellOp :: Op i j -> Compiler i j ()
tellOp op = itell $ PCons op PNil
label :: Compiler i j () -> Compiler k k (Label i j)
label m = case runIWriter m of
(prog, ()) -> ireturn (Label prog)
and then we can try compiling a simple expression language:
data Expr a where
Lit :: a -> Expr a
And :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
Plus :: Expr Int -> Expr Int -> Expr Int
If :: Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
compile :: Expr a -> Compiler i (a ': i) ()
compile (Lit x) = tellOp $ IMM x
compile (And x y) = do
compile x
compile y
tellOp $ BINOP (&&)
compile (Plus x y) = do
compile x
compile y
tellOp $ BINOP (+)
compile (If b t e) = do
labThen <- label $ compile t
labElse <- label $ compile e
compile b
tellOp $ BRANCH labThen labElse
and if we omitted e.g. one of the arguments to BINOP
, the typechecker will detect this:
compile (And x y) = do
compile x
tellOp $ BINOP (&&)
- Could not deduce:
i ~ (Bool : i)
from the context:a ~ Bool
Session types are an attempt to give type-level descriptions to networking protocols. The idea is that if a client sends a value, the server must be ready to receive it, and vice versa.
So here's a type (using TypeInType
) describing sessions consisting of a sequence of values to send and values to receive.
infixr 5 :!, :?
data Session = Type :! Session
| Type :? Session
| E
a :! s
means "send a value of type a
, then continue with the protocol s
". a :? s
means "receive a value of type a
, then continue with the protocol s
So Session
represents a (type-level) list of actions. Our monadic computations will work their way along this list, sending and receiving data as the type demands it. More concretely, a computation of type Chan s t a
reduces the remaining work to be done to satisfy the protocol from s
to t
. I'll build Chan
using the indexed free monad that I used in my answer to your other question.
class IFunctor f where
imap :: (a -> b) -> f i j a -> f i j b
class IFunctor m => IMonad m where
ireturn :: a -> m i i a
(>>>=) :: m i j a -> (a -> m j k b) -> m i k b
data IFree f i j a where
IReturn :: a -> IFree f i i a
IFree :: f i j (IFree f j k a) -> IFree f i k a
instance IFunctor f => IFunctor (IFree f) where
imap f (IReturn x) = IReturn (f x)
imap f (IFree fx) = IFree (imap (imap f) fx)
instance IFunctor f => IMonad (IFree f) where
ireturn = IReturn
IReturn x >>>= f = f x
IFree fx >>>= f = IFree (imap (>>>= f) fx)
Our base actions in the Chan
monad will simply send and receive values.
data ChanF s t r where
Send :: a -> r -> ChanF (a :! s) s r
Recv :: (a -> r) -> ChanF (a :? s) s r
instance IFunctor ChanF where
imap f (Send x r) = Send x (f r)
imap f (Recv r) = Recv (fmap f r)
send :: a -> Chan (a :! s) s ()
send x = IFree (Send x (IReturn ()))
recv :: Chan (a :? s) s a
recv = IFree (Recv IReturn)
type Chan = IFree ChanF
type Chan' s = Chan s E -- a "complete" Chan
takes the current state of the session from a :! s
to s
, fulfilling the obligation to send an a
. Likewise, recv
transforms a session from a :? s
to s
Here's the fun part. When one end of the protocol sends a value, the other end must be ready to receive it, and vice versa. This leads to the idea of a session type's dual:
type family Dual s where
Dual (a :! s) = a :? Dual s
Dual (a :? s) = a :! Dual s
Dual E = E
In a total language Dual (Dual s) = s
would be provable, but alas Haskell is not total.
You can connect a pair of channels if their types are dual. (I guess you'd call this an in-memory simulation of connecting a client and a server.)
connect :: Chan' s a -> Chan' (Dual s) b -> (a, b)
connect (IReturn x) (IReturn y) = (x, y)
connect (IReturn _) (IFree y) = case y of {}
connect (IFree (Send x r)) (IFree (Recv f)) = connect r (f x)
connect (IFree (Recv f)) (IFree (Send y r)) = connect (f y) r
For example, here's a protocol for a server which tests whether a number is greater than 3. The server waits to receive an Int
, sends back a Bool
, and then ends the computation.
type MyProtocol = Int :? Bool :! E
server :: Chan' MyProtocol ()
server = do -- using RebindableSyntax
x <- recv
send (x > 3)
client :: Chan' (Dual MyProtocol) Bool
client = do
send 5
And to test it:
ghci> connect server client
Session types are an area of active research. This particular implementation is fine for very simple protocols, but you can't describe protocols where the type of the data being sent over the wire depends on the state of the protocol. For that you need, surprise surprise, dependent types. See this talk by Brady for a quick demo of the state of the art of session types.