I\'m not understanding how Twitter Bootstrap does active links for the navigation. If I have a regular navigation like this (with ruby on rails linking):
Many of the answers here have things that will work, or partial answers. I combined a bunch of things to make this rails helper method I use:
# helper to make bootstrap3 nav-pill <li>'s with links in them, that have
# proper 'active' class if active.
# the current pill will have 'active' tag on the <li>
# html_options param will apply to <li>, not <a>.
# can pass block which will be given to `link_to` as normal.
def bootstrap_pill_link_to(label, link_params, html_options = {})
current = current_page?(link_params)
if current
html_options[:class] ||= ""
html_options[:class] << " active "
content_tag(:li, html_options) do
link_to(label, link_params)
It could be made even fancier with argument checking to support &block
on the link_to etc.
Many answers already, but here is what I wrote to get Bootstrap Icons working with active link. Hope It will help someone
This helper will give you:
Put this in your application_helper.rb
def nav_link(link_text, link_path, icon='')
class_name = current_page?(link_path) ? 'active' : ''
icon_class = "glyphicon glyphicon-" + icon
content_tag(:li, :class => class_name) do
(class_name == '') ? (link_to content_tag(:span, " "+link_text, class: icon_class), link_path)
: (link_to content_tag(:span, " "+link_text, class: icon_class), '#')
And use link:
<%= nav_link 'Home', root_path, 'home' %>
Last argument is optional - it will add icon to the link. Use names of glyph icons. If you want icon with no text:
<%= nav_link '', root_path, 'home' %>
I've found success using the logical and (&&
) in haml:
%li{class: current_page?(events_path) && 'active'}
= link_to "Events", events_path
%li{class: current_page?(about_path) && 'active'}
= link_to "About Us", about_path
Basic, No Helper
<%= content_tag(:li, class: ('active' if request.path == '/contact')) do %>
<%= link_to 'Contact', '/contact' %>
<% end %>
I use this since I have more than one class -
<%= content_tag(:li, class: (request.path == '/contact' ? 'active black' : 'black')) do %>
<%= link_to 'Contact', '/contact' %>
<% end %>
You sound like you need to implement a navigation system. If it's complex, it might get pretty ugly and pretty fast.
In this case, you might want to use a plugin that can handle that. You could use navigasmic or simple navigation (I would recommend navigasmic because it keeps the main layer in a view, where it belongs, and not in some configuration)
This deals with BOTH nav, and sub nav list elements. You can pass either an array a single path and will deal with both.
# Active page method
def ap(p:);'active' if p.class == Array ? p.map{|m| current_page? m}.any? : (current_page? p) end
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
<li class="<%= ap p: home_path %>">Home</li>
<li class="<%= ap p: account_path %>">Account</li>
<li class="dropdown <%= ap p: [users_path, new_user_path] %>">
<a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Users</a>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
<li class="<%= ap p: users_path %>">Users</li>
<li class="<%= ap p: new_user_path %>">Add user</li>