Complex Mul and Div using sse Instructions

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情歌与酒 2021-02-08 14:17

Is performing complex multiplication and division beneficial through SSE instructions? I know that addition and subtraction perform better when using SSE. Can someone tell me ho

  • 2021-02-08 14:32

    The algorithm in the intel optimization reference does not handle overflows and NaNs in the input properly.

    A single NaN in the real or imaginary part of the number will incorrectly spread to the other part.

    As several operations with infinity (e.g. infinity * 0) end in NaN, overflows can cause NaNs to appear in your otherwise well-behaved data.

    If overflows and NaNs are rare, a simple way to avoid this is to just check for NaN in the result and recompute it with the compilers IEEE compliant implementation:

    float complex a[2], b[2];
    __m128 res = simd_fast_multiply(a, b);
    /* store unconditionally, can be executed in parallel with the check
     * making it almost free if there is no NaN in data */
    _mm_store_ps(dest, res);
    /* check for NaN */
    __m128 n = _mm_cmpneq_ps(res, res);
    int have_nan = _mm_movemask_ps(n);
    if (have_nan != 0) {
        /* do it again unvectorized */
        dest[0] = a[0] * b[0];
        dest[1] = a[1] * b[1];
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  • 2021-02-08 14:45

    Well complex multiplication is defined as:

    ((c1a * c2a) - (c1b * c2b)) + ((c1b * c2a) + (c1a * c2b))i

    So your 2 components in a complex number would be

    ((c1a * c2a) - (c1b * c2b)) and ((c1b * c2a) + (c1a * c2b))i

    So assuming you are using 8 floats to represent 4 complex numbers defined as follows:

    c1a, c1b, c2a, c2b
    c3a, c3b, c4a, c4b

    And you want to simultaneously do (c1 * c3) and (c2 * c4) your SSE code would look "something" like the following:

    (Note I used MSVC under windows but the principle WILL be the same).

    __declspec( align( 16 ) ) float c1c2[]        = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
    __declspec( align( 16 ) ) float c3c4[]          = { 4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f };
    __declspec( align( 16 ) ) float mulfactors[]    = { -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f };
    __declspec( align( 16 ) ) float res[]           = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
        movaps xmm0, xmmword ptr [c1c2]         // Load c1 and c2 into xmm0.
        movaps xmm1, xmmword ptr [c3c4]         // Load c3 and c4 into xmm1.
        movaps xmm4, xmmword ptr [mulfactors]   // load multiplication factors into xmm4
        movaps xmm2, xmm1                       
        movaps xmm3, xmm0                       
        shufps xmm2, xmm1, 0xA0                 // Change order to c3a c3a c4a c4a and store in xmm2
        shufps xmm1, xmm1, 0xF5                 // Change order to c3b c3b c4b c4b and store in xmm1
        shufps xmm3, xmm0, 0xB1                 // change order to c1b c1a c2b c2a abd store in xmm3
        mulps xmm0, xmm2                        
        mulps xmm3, xmm1                    
        mulps xmm3, xmm4                        // Flip the signs of the 'a's so the add works correctly.
        addps xmm0, xmm3                        // Add together
        movaps xmmword ptr [res], xmm0          // Store back out
    float res1a = (c1c2[0] * c3c4[0]) - (c1c2[1] * c3c4[1]);
    float res1b = (c1c2[1] * c3c4[0]) + (c1c2[0] * c3c4[1]);
    float res2a = (c1c2[2] * c3c4[2]) - (c1c2[3] * c3c4[3]);
    float res2b = (c1c2[3] * c3c4[2]) + (c1c2[2] * c3c4[3]);
    if ( res1a != res[0] || 
         res1b != res[1] || 
         res2a != res[2] || 
         res2b != res[3] )
        _exit( 1 );

    What I've done above is I've simplified the maths out a bit. Assuming the following:

    c1a c1b c2a c2b
    c3a c3b c4a c4b

    By rearranging I end up with the following vectors

    0 => c1a c1b c2a c2b
    1 => c3b c3b c4b c4b
    2 => c3a c3a c4a c4a
    3 => c1b c1a c2b c2a

    I then multiply 0 and 2 together to get:

    0 => c1a * c3a, c1b * c3a, c2a * c4a, c2b * c4a

    Next I multiply 3 and 1 together to get:

    3 => c1b * c3b, c1a * c3b, c2b * c4b, c2a * c4b

    Finally I flip the signs of a couple of the floats in 3

    3 => -(c1b * c3b), c1a * c3b, -(c2b * c4b), c2a * c4b

    So I can add them together and get

    (c1a * c3a) - (c1b * c3b), (c1b * c3a ) + (c1a * c3b), (c2a * c4a) - (c2b * c4b), (c2b * c4a) + (c2a * c4b)

    Which is what we were after :)

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  • 2021-02-08 14:46

    Just for completeness, the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual that can be downloaded here contains assembly for complex multiply (Example 6-9) and complex divide (Example 6-10).

    Here's for example the multiply code:

    // Multiplication of (ak + i bk ) * (ck + i dk )
    // a + i b can be stored as a data structure
    movsldup xmm0, src1; load real parts into the destination, a1, a1, a0, a0
    movaps xmm1, src2; load the 2nd pair of complex values, i.e. d1, c1, d0, c0
    mulps xmm0, xmm1; temporary results, a1d1, a1c1, a0d0, a0c0
    shufps xmm1, xmm1, b1; reorder the real and imaginary parts, c1, d1, c0, d0
    movshdup xmm2, src1; load imaginary parts into the destination, b1, b1, b0, b0
    mulps xmm2, xmm1; temporary results, b1c1, b1d1, b0c0, b0d0
    addsubps xmm0, xmm2; b1c1+a1d1, a1c1 -b1d1, b0c0+a0d0, ; a0c0-b0d0

    The assembly maps directly to gccs X86 intrinsics (just predicate each instruction with __builtin_ia32_).

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