I have a webcam video recorder program built with python, opencv and ffmpeg
It works ok except that the color of the video is more blue than the reality. The problem see
You are right, the default pixel format of OpenCV is BGR.
The equivalent format on the ffmpeg side would be BGR24, so you don't need to convert it to YUV420p if you don't want to.
This post shows how to use a python application to capture frames from the webcam and write the frames to stdout. The purpose is to invoke this app on the cmd-line and pipe the result directly to the ffmpeg application, which stores the frames on the disk. Quite clever indeed!
import cv, sys
cap = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0)
if not cap:
sys.stdout.write("failed CaptureFromCAM")
while True :
if not cv.GrabFrame(cap) :
frame = cv.RetrieveFrame(cap)
sys.stdout.write( frame.tostring() )
And the command to be executed on the shell is:
python capture.py | ffmpeg -f rawvideo -pix_fmt bgr24 -s 640x480 -r 30 -i - -an -f avi -r 30 foo.avi
- -r gives the frame rate coming off the camera
- -an says "don't encode audio"
I tested this solution on my Mac OS X with OpenCV 2.4.2.
In case you haven't tried to record from the camera and use OpenCV to write the video to an mp4 file on the disk, here we go:
import cv, sys
cap = cv.CaptureFromCAM(0) # 0 is for /dev/video0
if not cap:
sys.stdout.write("!!! Failed CaptureFromCAM")
frame = cv.RetrieveFrame(cap)
if not frame:
sys.stdout.write("!!! Failed to retrieve first frame")
# Unfortunately, the following instruction returns 0
#fps = cv.GetCaptureProperty(cap, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)
fps = 25.0 # so we need to hardcode the FPS
print "Recording at: ", fps, " fps"
frame_size = cv.GetSize(frame)
print "Video size: ", frame_size
writer = cv.CreateVideoWriter("out.mp4", cv.CV_FOURCC('F', 'M', 'P', '4'), fps, frame_size, True)
if not writer:
sys.stdout.write("!!! Error in creating video writer")
while True :
if not cv.GrabFrame(cap) :
frame = cv.RetrieveFrame(cap)
cv.WriteFrame(writer, frame)
I've tested this with Python 2.7 on Mac OS X and OpenCV 2.4.2.
Have you tried switching the Cb/Cr channels in OpenCV using split and merge ?
Checked the conversion formulas present in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr?
I've already answered this here. But my VidGear Python Library automates the whole process of pipelining OpenCV frames into FFmpeg and also robustly handles the format conversion. Here's a basic python example:
# import libraries
from vidgear.gears import WriteGear
import cv2
output_params = {"-vcodec":"libx264", "-crf": 0, "-preset": "fast"} #define (Codec,CRF,preset) FFmpeg tweak parameters for writer
stream = cv2.VideoCapture(0) #Open live webcam video stream on first index(i.e. 0) device
writer = WriteGear(output_filename = 'Output.mp4', compression_mode = True, logging = True, **output_params) #Define writer with output filename 'Output.mp4'
# infinite loop
while True:
(grabbed, frame) = stream.read()
# read frames
# check if frame empty
if not is grabbed:
#if True break the infinite loop
# {do something with frame here}
gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# write a modified frame to writer
# Show output window
cv2.imshow("Output Frame", frame)
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
# check for 'q' key-press
if key == ord("q"):
#if 'q' key-pressed break out
# close output window
# safely close video stream
# safely close writer
Source: https://github.com/abhiTronix/vidgear/wiki/Compression-Mode:-FFmpeg#2-writegear-classcompression-mode-with-opencv-directly
You can check out full VidGear Docs for more advanced applications and exciting features.
Hope that helps!
The libx264 codec is able to process BGR images. No need to use any conversion to YCbCr. NO need to give a spcific pix_ftm to ffmpeg. I was using RGB and it was causing the blueish effect on the video.
The solution was simply to use the original image retuned by the camera without any conversion. :)
I tried this in my previous investigation and it was crashing the app. The solution is to copy the frame returned by the camera.
frame = opencv.QueryFrame(camera)
if not frame:
return None, None
# RGB : use this one for displaying on the screen
im_rgb = opencv.CreateImage(self.size, opencv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
opencv.CvtColor(frame, im_rgb, opencv.CV_BGR2RGB)
# BGR : Use this one for the video
im_bgr = opencv.CreateImage(self.size, opencv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3)
opencv.Copy(frame, im_bgr)
return im_rgb, im_bgr