Designing a new system from scratch. I\'ll be using the STL to store lists and maps of certain long-live objects.
Question: Should I ensure my objects have copy co
Generally storing the objects directly in the STL container is best as it is simplest, most efficient, and is easiest for using the object.
If your object itself has non-copyable syntax or is an abstract base type you will need to store pointers (easiest is to use shared_ptr)
Using pointers will be more efficient since the containers will be only copying pointers around instead of full objects.
There's some useful information here about STL containers and smart pointers:
Why is it wrong to use std::auto_ptr<> with standard containers?
You seem to have a good grasp of the difference. If the objects are small and easy to copy, then by all means store them.
If not, I would think about storing smart pointers (not auto_ptr, a ref counting smart pointer) to ones you allocate on the heap. Obviously, if you opt for smart pointers, then you can't store temp stack allocated objects (as you have said).
@Torbjörn makes a good point about slicing.
If the objects are to be referred to elsewhere in the code, store in a vector of boost::shared_ptr. This ensures that pointers to the object will remain valid if you resize the vector.
std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<protocol> > protocols;
connection c(protocols[0].get()); // pointer to protocol stays valid even if resized
If noone else stores pointers to the objects, or the list doesn't grow and shrink, just store as plain-old objects:
std::vector<protocol> protocols;
connection c(protocols[0]); // value-semantics, takes a copy of the protocol