What's the difference between a nested path and fileset?

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南笙 2021-02-08 11:58

I have been googling for the \"Differences between fileset and path\" article for some time, but have found nothing useful. For example, what is the difference between the follo

  • 2021-02-08 12:50

    They are used in different situations.

    fileset is used to specify a group of files. You can use selectors and patternsets to get only the files you want.

    classpath is used to specify classpath references. classpath can be specified with a single jar (location="..."), a ; or : separated list of jars (path="...") or with nested resource collections (like fileset).

    Also if you want to debug them, it is different:

    <echo message="Build-path: ${toString:build-path}" />


    <property name="debug.classpath" refid="classpath"/>
    <echo message="Classpath = ${debug.classpath}"/>

    As for your scripts,

    <path id="somePathId">
        <pathelement location="someDir"/>

    I did not test it but according to the documentation path= expects a ; or : separated list of jars. This is not the same as your second example.

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  • 2021-02-08 12:51

    The major difference between a <path> and a <fileset> is that in <fileset> you can specify if you want to include or exclude certain type of files (Basically, its a group of files within a path... not necessary all the files), for eg:

    <path id="someId">
      <fileset dir="someDir">
         <include name="*.java">
         <include name="*.properties">
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