I was using this in my iPhone app
if (title == nil) {
// do something
but it throws some exception, and the console shows that the ti
Here is the macro that I use for safe string instead of getting "(null)" string on a UILabel for example:
#define SafeString(STRING) ([STRING length] == 0 ? @"" : STRING)
let say you have an member class and name property, and name is nil:
NSLog(@"%@", member.name); // prints (null) on UILabel
with macro:
NSLog(@"%@", SafeString(member.name)); // prints empty string on UILabel
nice and clean
If you want to test against all nil/empty objects (like empty strings or empty arrays/sets) you can use the following:
static inline BOOL IsEmpty(id object) {
return object == nil
|| ([object respondsToSelector:@selector(length)]
&& [(NSData *) object length] == 0)
|| ([object respondsToSelector:@selector(count)]
&& [(NSArray *) object count] == 0);
Complete checking of a string for null conditions can be a s follows :<\br>
if(mystring) { if([mystring isEqualToString:@""]) { mystring=@"some string"; } } else { //statements }
I only check null string with
if ([myString isEqual:[NSNull null]])
There are two situations:
It is possible that an object is [NSNull null]
, or it is impossible.
Your application usually shouldn't use [NSNull null];
you only use it if you want to put a "null" object into an array, or use it as a dictionary value. And then you should know which arrays or dictionaries might contain null values, and which might not.
If you think that an array never contains [NSNull null]
values, then don't check for it. If there is an [NSNull null]
, you might get an exception but that is fine: Objective-C exceptions indicate programming errors. And you have a programming error that needs fixing by changing some code.
If an object could be [NSNull null]
, then you check for this quite simply by testing
(object == [NSNull null])
. Calling isEqual
or checking the class of the object is nonsense. There is only one [NSNull null]
object, and the plain old C operator checks for it just fine in the most straightforward and most efficient way.
If you check an NSString
object that cannot be [NSNull null]
(because you know it cannot be [NSNull null]
or because you just checked that it is different from [NSNull null]
, then you need to ask yourself how you want to treat an empty string, that is one with length 0. If you treat it is a null
string like nil
, then test (object.length == 0)
. object.length will return 0 if object == nil
, so this test covers nil objects and strings with length 0. If you treat a string of length 0 different from a nil string, just check if object == nil
Finally, if you want to add a string to an array or a dictionary, and the string could be nil, you have the choice of not adding it, replacing it with @""
, or replacing it with [NSNull null]
. Replacing it with @""
means you lose the ability to distinguish between "no string" and "string of length 0". Replacing it with [NSNull null]
means you have to write code when you access the array or dictionary that checks for [NSNull null]
if ([strpass isEqual:[NSNull null]] || strpass==nil || [strpass isEqualToString:@"<null>"] || [strpass isEqualToString:@"(null)"] || strpass.length==0 || [strpass isEqualToString:@""])
//string is blank