Im looking for a function that will pull the youtube duration of a video from the url. I read some tutorials but don\'t get it. I embed videos on my site using a url and I have
This is my function to get youtube duration in second. he is fully 100% work. you need just youtube id video and youtube api key.
how to add youtube api key show this video
public static function getYoutubeDuration($id)
$dur = file_get_contents("{$id}&key={$Youtube_KEY}");
$duration = json_decode($dur, true);
foreach ($duration['items'] as $vidTime) {
$vTime = $vidTime['contentDetails']['duration'];
$vTime = substr($vTime, 2);
$exp = explode("H",$vTime);
//if explode executed
if( $exp[0] != $vTime )
$H = $exp[0];
$vTime = $exp[1];
$exp = explode("M",$vTime);
if( $exp[0] != $vTime )
$M = $exp[0];
$vTime = $exp[1];
$exp = explode("S",$vTime);
$S = $exp[0];
$H = ($H*3600);
$M = ($M*60);
$S = ($H+$M+$S);
return $S;
This is my function to get youtube duration in second. he is fully 100% work. you need just youtube id video and youtube api key.
how to add youtube api key show this video
You could use something like this:
function getDuration($url){
if (false===$data) return false;
return $obj->data->duration;
echo getDuration('');
that returns the duration in seconds of the video.
You can use a function like this one to change the seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds.
You can simply use a time formater to change the seconds into whatever format you like. i.e. return gmdate("H:i:s", $obj->data->duration);
1) You will need an API key. Go to and log in or create an account, if necessary. After logging in go to this link and click on the blue CREATE PROJECT button. Wait a moment as Google prepares your project.
2) You will need a web host that is running PHP with file_get_content supported. You can check by creating a new script with just "echo php_info();" and verifying that allow_url_fopen is set to On. If it is not, then change the configuration or talk to your web host.
$sYouTubeApiKey = "<enter the key you get>";
//Replace This With The Video ID. You can get it from the URL.
//ie would be
$sVideoId = "XWuUdJo9ubM";
//Get The Video Details From The API.
function getVideoDetails ($sVideoId) {
global $sYouTubeApiKey;
//Generate The API URL
$sUrl = "".$sVideoId."&key=".$sYouTubeApiKey."&part=contentDetails";
//Perform The Request
$sData = file_get_contents($sUrl);
//Decode The JSON Response
return json_decode($sData);
//Get The Video Duration In Seconds.
function getVideoDuration ($sVideoId) {
$oData = getVideoDetails($sVideoId);
//Deal With No Videos In List
if (count($oData->items) < 1) return false;
//Get The First Video
$oVideo = array_shift($oData->items);
//Extract The Duration
$sDuration = $oVideo->contentDetails->duration;
//Use Regular Expression To Parse The Length
$pFields = "'PT(?:([0-9]+)H)?(?:([0-9]+)M)?(?:([0-9]+)S)?'si";
if (preg_match($pFields, $sDuration, $aMatch)) {
//Add Up Hours, Minutes, and Seconds
return $aMatch[1]*3600 + $aMatch[2]*60 + $aMatch[3];
header("Content-Type: text/plain");
$oData = getVideoDetails($sVideoId);
echo "Length: ".getVideoDuration($sVideoId);
Hope this helps!
function getYoutubeDuration($videoid) {
$xml = simplexml_load_file('' . $videoid . '?v=2');
$result = $xml->xpath('//yt:duration[@seconds]');
$total_seconds = (int) $result[0]->attributes()->seconds;
return $total_seconds;
//now call this pretty function.
//As parameter I gave a video id to my function and bam!
echo getYoutubeDuration("y5nKxHn4yVA");
youtube api v3
echo youtubeVideoDuration('video_url', 'your_api_key');
// output: 63 (seconds)
* Return video duration in seconds.
* @param $video_url
* @param $api_key
* @return integer|null
function youtubeVideoDuration($video_url, $api_key) {
// video id from url
parse_str(parse_url($video_url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $get_parameters);
$video_id = $get_parameters['v'];
// video json data
$json_result = file_get_contents("$video_id&key=$api_key");
$result = json_decode($json_result, true);
// video duration data
if (!count($result['items'])) {
return null;
$duration_encoded = $result['items'][0]['contentDetails']['duration'];
// duration
$interval = new DateInterval($duration_encoded);
$seconds = $interval->days * 86400 + $interval->h * 3600 + $interval->i * 60 + $interval->s;
return $seconds;