How to hide image broken Icon using only CSS/HTML?

前端 未结 17 1578
不思量自难忘° 2020-11-27 09:14

How can I hide the broken image icon? Example: \"Example\"

I have an image with error src:

  • 2020-11-27 09:52

    I think the easiest way is to hide the broken image icon by the text-indent property.

    img {
        text-indent: -10000px

    Obviously it doesn't work if you want to see the "alt" attribute.

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  • 2020-11-27 09:52

    If you need to still have the image container visible due to it being filled in later on and don't want to bother with showing and hiding it you can stick a 1x1 transparent image inside of the src:

    <img id="active-image" src=""/>

    I used this for this exact purpose. I had an image container that was going to have an image loaded into it via Ajax. Because the image was large and took a bit to load, it required setting a background-image in CSS of a Gif loading bar.

    However, because the src of the was empty, the broken image icon still appeared in browsers that use it.

    Setting the transparent 1x1 Gif fixes this problem simply and effectively with no code additions through CSS or JavaScript.

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  • 2020-11-27 09:53

    If you will add alt with text alt="abc" it will show the show corrupt thumbnail, and alt message abc

    <img src="pic_trulli.jpg" alt="abc"/>

    If you will not add alt it will show the show corrupt thumbnail

    <img src="pic_trulli.jpg"/>

    If you want to hide the broken one just add alt="" it will not show corrupt thumbnail and any alt message(without using js)

    <img src="pic_trulli.jpg" alt=""/>

    If you want to hide the broken one just add alt="" & onerror="'none'" it will not show corrupt thumbnail and any alt message(with js)

    <img src="pic_trulli.jpg" alt="abc" onerror="'none'"/>

    4th one is a little dangerous(not exactly) , if you want to add any image in onerror event, it will not display even if Image exist as style.display is like adding. So, use it when you don't require any alternative image to display.

    display: 'none'; // in css

    If we give it in CSS, then the item will not display(like image, iframe, div like that).

    If you want to display image & you want to display totally blank space if error, then you can use, but also be careful this will not take any space. So, you need to keep it in a div may be


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  • 2020-11-27 09:54

    I liked the answer by Nick and was playing around with this solution. Found a cleaner method. Since ::before/::after pseudos don't work on replaced elements like img and object they will only work if the object data (src) is not loaded. It keeps the HTML more clean and will only add the pseudo if the object fails to load.

    object {
      position: relative;
      float: left;
      display: block;
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      margin-right: 20px;
      border: 1px solid black;
    object::after {
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      display: block;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      content: '';
      background: red url("");
    <object data="" type="image/png"></object>
    <object data="http://broken.img/url" type="image/png"></object>

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  • 2020-11-27 09:55

    Since 2005, Mozilla browsers such as Firefox have supported the non-standard :-moz-broken CSS pseudo-class that can accomplish exactly this request:

    td {
      min-width:64px; /* for display purposes so you can see the empty cell */
    img[alt]:-moz-broken {
    <table border="1"><tr><td>
      <img src="error">
      <img src="broken" alt="A broken image">
      <img src=""
           alt="A bird" style="width: 120px">

    img[alt]::before also works in Firefox 64 (though once upon a time it was img[alt]::after so this is not reliable). I can't get either of those to work in Chrome 71.

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  • 2020-11-27 09:56

    The same idea as described by others works in React as follow:

    <img src='YOUR-URL' onError={(e) =>'none' }/>
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