Is there an LLDB command that can cast a raw address into a usable Swift class?
For example:
(lldb) po 0x7df67c50 as MKPinAnnotationView
You can use Swift's unsafeBitCast
function to cast an address to an object instance:
(lldb) e let $pin = unsafeBitCast(0x7df67c50, MKPinAnnotationView.self)
(lldb) po $pin
Then you can work with $pin
as usual – access properties, call methods, etc.
Check out this article for more information: Swift Memory Dumping.
It took me longer to figure out that I'd like to admit. It's similar to @afinlayson answer, but with better explanation (I hope!) and fixed syntax
If you want to check properties of an objects using Xcode’s view hierarchy debugger then this will work: You’re in objc context by default so you’ll have to switch it to Swift context
expr -l Swift -- import <YOUR PROJECT NAME>
expr -l Swift -- let $vc = unsafeBitCast(0x7fb7c51cb270, to: <YOUR PROJECT NAME>.<YOUR CUSTOM CLASS NAME>.self)
expr -l Swift -- print($vc.<PROPERTY NAME>)
expr -l Swift -- import Football
expr -l Swift -- let $vc = unsafeBitCast(0x7fb7c51cb270, to: Football.Ball.self)
expr -l Swift -- print($vc.velocity)
@Xi Chen's answer works perfectly when your LLDB session was started in a Swift context. However, in some cases you might have stopped in a breakpoint outside a Swift context; for example, when it's a symbolic breakpoint to Objective-C API, or when in Debug View Hierarchy mode (at least as of Xcode 11.4).
error: unknown type name 'let'
error: use of undeclared identifier 'unsafeBitCast'
In that case, you'll need to do it the old way using Objective-C:
e MKPinAnnotationView *$pin = (MKPinAnnotationView *)0x7df67c50
and now you can use $pin
as you would.
The lldb format for expression
seems to have changed in Xcode 7.3. The following got me started:
(lldb) expr -l Swift -- import UIKit
(lldb) expr -l Swift -- let $view = unsafeBitCast(0x7fb75d8349c0, UIView.self)
is an alias, which means it can be overridden. You can override po
by handling hex addresses using objc:
command regex po
s/(0x[[:xdigit:]]+)/expression -l objc -O -- %1/
s/(.+)/expression -O -- %1/
To see what effect this has, you can tell lldb to expand these aliases:
(lldb) settings set interpreter.expand-regex-aliases true
Also I have created, which is a substitute po
for Swift. It handles object addresses, and has a few other improvements too.
Thanks to all the answers above, unsafeBitCast also works well with Xcode 8.3.2 / Swift 3 / macOS / Cocoa Application.
Memorize an address of current instance
(lldb) p tabView.controlTint
(NSControlTint) $R10 = defaultControlTint
(lldb) p self
(LearningStoryboard.NSTabViewController) $R11 = 0x00006080000e2280 {
Later, examine them
(lldb) p unsafeBitCast(0x00006080000e2280, to: NSTabViewController.self).tabView.controlTint
(NSControlTint) $R20 = graphiteControlTint
(lldb) p $R11.tabView.controlTint
(NSControlTint) $R21 = graphiteControlTint
If something like this happens
(lldb) p unsafeBitCast(0x00006080000e2280, to: NSTabViewController.self).tabView.controlTint
error: use of undeclared identifier 'to'
(lldb) p $R11.tabView.controlTint
error: use of undeclared identifier '$R11'
make sure that choose one of the stack frames of Swift source code rather than assembler one.
It is likely to happen when the application was paused by clicking a Pause button or stopped with an exception. By choosing a stack frame accordingly, let lldb infer a proper programing language.