I\'ve just done my first little webapp in django and I love it. I\'m about to start on converting an old production PHP site into django and as part its template, there is a
I just wanted to share my minor enhancement to nivhab's post. In my application I have subnavigations and I did not want to hide them using just CSS, so I needed some sort of "if" tag to display the subnavigation for an item or not.
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def ifnaviactive(parser, token):
nodelist = parser.parse(('endifnaviactive',))
import re
args = token.split_contents()
template_tag = args[0]
if len(args) < 2:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires at least one argument" % template_tag
return NavSelectedNode(args[1:], nodelist)
class NavSelectedNode(template.Node):
def __init__(self, patterns, nodelist):
self.patterns = patterns
self.nodelist = nodelist
def render(self, context):
path = context['request'].path
for p in self.patterns:
pValue = template.Variable(p).resolve(context)
if path == pValue:
return self.nodelist.render(context)
return ""
You can use this basically in the same way as the active tag:
{% url product_url as product %}
{% ifnaviactive request product %}
<ul class="subnavi">
<li>Subnavi item for product 1</li>
{% endifnaviactive %}
I've seen jpwatts', 110j's, nivhab's & Marcus Whybrow's answers, but they all seem to lack in something: what about the root path ? Why it's always active ?
So I've made an other way, easier, which make the "controller" decides by itself and I think it resolve most of the big problems.
Here is my custom tag:
## myapp_tags.py
def nav_css_class(page_class):
if not page_class:
return ""
return page_class
Then, the "controller" declares CSS classes needed (in fact, the most important is it declares its presence to the template)
## views.py
def ping(request):
context["nav_ping"] = "active"
return render(request, 'myapp/ping.html',context)
And finally, I render it in my navigation bar:
<!-- sidebar.html -->
{% load myapp_tags %}
<a class="{% nav_css_class nav_home %}" href="{% url 'index' %}">
<a class="{% nav_css_class nav_candidats %}" href="{% url 'candidats' %}">
<a class="{% nav_css_class nav_ping %}" href="{% url 'ping' %}">
<a class="{% nav_css_class nav_stat %}" href="{% url 'statistiques' %}">
So each page has its own nav_css_class
value to set, and if it's set, the template renders active: no need of request
in template context, no URL parcing and no more problems about multi-URL pages or root page.
Just add url and name in jinja format like this
<ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li> <a href="{% url 'index' %}">Cities</a> </li> <li> <a href="{% url 'all_cafes' %}">Cafes</a> </li> </ul>
You could apply a class or id to the body element of the page, rather than to a specific nav item.
<body class="{{ nav_class }}">
body.home #nav_home,
body.about #nav_about { */ Current nav styles */ }
I found the best is to use an inclusion tag:
<li class="nav-item">
<a class="nav-link {% if is_active %}active{% endif %}" href="{% url url_name %}">{{ link_name }}</a>
This is just my basic bootstrap nav item I wish to render.
It gets the href value, and optionally the link_name value. is_active
is calculated based on the current request.
from django import template
register = template.Library()
@register.inclusion_tag('fnf/nav_item.html', takes_context=True)
def nav_item(context, url_name, link_name=None):
return {
'url_name': url_name,
'link_name': link_name or url_name.title(),
'is_active': context.request.resolver_match.url_name == url_name,
Then use it in a nav:
{% load nav %}
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light bg-light">
<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
{% nav_item 'dashboard' %}
I liked the cleanness of 110j above so I took most of it and refactored to solve the 3 problems I had with it:
Here it is:
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def active(parser, token):
args = token.split_contents()
template_tag = args[0]
if len(args) < 2:
raise template.TemplateSyntaxError, "%r tag requires at least one argument" % template_tag
return NavSelectedNode(args[1:])
class NavSelectedNode(template.Node):
def __init__(self, patterns):
self.patterns = patterns
def render(self, context):
path = context['request'].path
for p in self.patterns:
pValue = template.Variable(p).resolve(context)
if path == pValue:
return "active" # change this if needed for other bootstrap version (compatible with 3.2)
return ""
urlpatterns += patterns('',
url(r'/$', view_home_method, {}, name='home_url_name'),
url(r'/services/$', view_services_method, {}, name='services_url_name'),
url(r'/contact/$', view_contact_method, {}, name='contact_url_name'),
url(r'/contact/$', view_contact2_method, {}, name='contact2_url_name'),
{% load tags %}
{% url home_url_name as home %}
{% url services_url_name as services %}
{% url contact_url_name as contact %}
{% url contact2_url_name as contact2 %}
<div id="navigation">
<a class="{% active request home %}" href="home">Home</a>
<a class="{% active request services %}" href="services">Services</a>
<a class="{% active request contact contact2 %}" href="contact">Contact</a>