I have the following code. I would like to have it such that if price_result equals an integer, let\'s say 10, then I would like to add two decimal places. So 10 would be 10
Solution for FormArray controllers
Initialize FormArray form Builder
formInitilize() {
this.Form = this._formBuilder.group({
formArray: this._formBuilder.array([this.createForm()])
Create Form
createForm() {
return (this.Form = this._formBuilder.group({
convertodecimal: ['']
Set Form Values into Form Controller
setFormvalues() {
this.Form.setControl('formArray', this._formBuilder.array([]));
const control = <FormArray>this.resourceBalanceForm.controls['formArray'];
this.ListArrayValues.forEach((x) => {
private buildForm(x): FormGroup {
const bindvalues= this._formBuilder.group({
convertodecimal: x.ArrayCollection1? parseFloat(x.ArrayCollection1[0].name).toFixed(2) : '' // Option for array collection
// convertodecimal: x.number.toFixed(2) --- option for two decimal value
return bindvalues;
Try this (see comments in code):
function fixInteger(el) {
// this is element's value selector, you should use your own
value = $(el).val();
if (value == '') {
value = 0;
newValue = parseInt(value);
// if new value is Nan (when input is a string with no integers in it)
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
value = 0;
newValue = parseInt(value);
// apply new value to element
function fixPrice(el) {
// this is element's value selector, you should use your own
value = $(el).val();
if (value == '') {
value = 0;
newValue = parseFloat(value.replace(',', '.')).toFixed(2);
// if new value is Nan (when input is a string with no integers in it)
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
value = 0;
newValue = parseFloat(value).toFixed(2);
// apply new value to element
ceil from lodash is probably the best
will work also with a number and it's safe
I've got other solution.
You can use round()
to do that instead toFixed()
var twoPlacedFloat = parseFloat(yourString).round(2)