I install Android Studio and run normally. But because it was a bit slow so I follow instructions from the website: How can you do when Android Studio was slow and It made me un
Please cross check VMoptions filestudio64.exe.vmoptions file or delete the studio64.exe.vmoptions from the location C:\Users\pcname.AndroidStudioX.Y
If you have updated or created studio64.exe.vmoptions which present at the location {$user}/.AndroidStudio$version. Delete the file
You should:
- Use Windowx x64 (64 bit, because your computer has 4GB RAM).
- Use lastest JDK (1.8 update 92, x64) for Windows
- Important:
Press combination keys: Windows + R or Run utility.
type: systempropertiesadvanced
set environment variable:
directory where JDK installed.
add to PATH
variable: %JAVA_HOME%\bin
Delete this file studio64.exe.vmoptions inside
just go this directory:
C:\Users\{pc name}
and delete all folders starting with .AndroidStudio
This solves the issue.
This problem can occur if there is something like a comment in the red box,so you should delete it.