I was trying to update the existing pods with the pod install
command, but it takes forever to run.
The verbose mode shows it was stuck at the following
Just go through the below step-by-step:
Download https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs/archive/master.zip
RUN the Below commands in terminal:
pod setup --verbose
Open new tab in the terminal and RUN
mv ~/.cocoapods/repos/master/.git ~/tempSpecsGitFolder
open master.zip (unzipping it)
mv Specs-master ~/.cocoapods/repos/master
mv ~/tempSpecsGitFolder ~/.cocoapods/repos/master/.git
cd [project folder]
pod install --no-repo-update
I ran into the same problem, and I solved it by running the following commands which is given here
pod repo remove master
pod setup
pod install
This is what worked for me :
and Pods
folder.sudo gem install cocoapods --verbose
pod install --verbose
I recommend using the --verbose flag since Terminal is not great when giving progress on a command action. The verbose option helps a lot!
I had the same issue. After running
pod install
Setting up CocoaPods master repo
The iterm2 was stuck on Setting up CocoaPods.
I solved the issue by running
sudo gem install CocoaPods
This is mentioned in the CocoaPods website
Try clearing your CocoaPods cache, re-download and re-install all pods as described here
rm -rf "${HOME}/Library/Caches/CocoaPods"
rm -rf "\`pwd\`/Pods/"
pod update
I fixed this issue like that:
rm -fr ~/Library/Caches/CocoaPods && \
gem update --system && \
gem update && \
gem cleanup && \
pod setup
Reference: http://blog.cocoapods.org/Repairing-Our-Broken-Specs-Repository/