Our Jenkins server has a job that has been running for three days, but is not doing anything. Clicking the little X in the corner does nothing, and the console output log do
In case you got a Multibranch Pipeline-job (and you are a Jenkins-admin), use in the Jenkins Script Console this script:
.getItemByFullName("<JOB NAME>")
.getBranch("<BRANCH NAME>")
.getBuildByNumber(<BUILD NUMBER>)
.finish(hudson.model.Result.ABORTED, new java.io.IOException("Aborting build"));
From https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-43020
If you aren't sure what the full name (path) of the job is, you may use the following snippet to list the full name of all items:
Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(AbstractItem.class).each {
From https://support.cloudbees.com/hc/en-us/articles/226941767-Groovy-to-list-all-jobs
Alexandru Bantiuc's answer worked well for me to stop the build, but my executors were still showing up as busy. I was able clear the busy executor status using the following
server_name_pattern = /your-servers-[1-5]/
jenkins.model.Jenkins.instance.getComputers().each { computer ->
if (computer.getName().find(server_name_pattern)) {
println computer.getName()
execList = computer.getExecutors()
for( exec in execList ) {
busyState = exec.isBusy() ? ' busy' : ' idle'
println '--' + exec.getDisplayName() + busyState
if (exec.isBusy()) {
The first proposed solution is pretty close. If you use stop() instead of interrupt() it even kills runaway threads, that run endlessly in a groovy system script. This will kill any build, that runs for a job. Here is the code:
Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet().each() {
if (it.name.contains('YOUR JOBNAME')) {
println "Stopping $it.name"
This works for me everytime:
Thread.getAllStackTraces().keySet().each() {
if (it.name.contains('YOUR JOBNAME')) {
println "Stopping $it.name"
Thanks to funql.org
Build-timeout Plugin can come handy for such cases. It will kill the job automatically if it takes too long.
A utility I wrote called jkillthread can be used to stop any thread in any Java process, so long as you can log in to the machine running the service under the same account.