I have two branches, email
and staging
. staging
is the latest one and I no longer need the old changes in email
branch, y
Other answers looked incomplete.
I have tried below in full, and it worked fine.
1. Make a copy of your repository before you try below, to be on safe side.
1. All development happens in dev branch
2. qa branch is just the same copy of dev
3. Time to time, dev code needs to be moved/overwrite to qa branch
so we need to overwrite qa branch, from dev branch
Part 1:
With below commands, old qa has been updated to newer dev:
git checkout dev
git merge -s ours qa
git checkout qa
git merge dev
git push
Automatic comment for last push gives below:
// Output:
// *<MYNAME> Merge branch 'qa' into dev,*
This comment looks reverse, because above sequence also looks reverse
Part 2:
Below are unexpected, new local commits in dev, the unnecessary ones
so, we need to throw away, and make dev untouched.
git checkout dev
// Output:
// Switched to branch 'dev'
// Your branch is ahead of 'origin/dev' by 15 commits.
// (use "git push" to publish your local commits)
git reset --hard origin/dev
// Now we threw away the unexpected commits
Part 3:
Verify everything is as expected:
git status
// Output:
// *On branch dev
// Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/dev'.
// nothing to commit, working tree clean*
That's all.
1. old qa is now overwritten by new dev branch code
2. local is clean (remote origin/dev is untouched)