I installed Node.js on bluehost.com (a shared server) using:
wget <path to download file>
tar -xf <gzip file>
mv <gzip_file_dir> node
This will download the tar file, extract to a directory and then rename that directory to the name 'node' to make it easier to use.
./node/bin/npm install jt-js-sample
npm WARN engine jt-js-sample@0.2.4: wanted: {"node":"0.10.x"} (current: {"node":"0.12.4","npm":"2.10.1"})
jt-js-sample@0.2.4 node_modules/jt-js-sample
└── express@4.12.4 (merge-descriptors@1.0.0, utils-merge@1.0.0, cookie-signature@1.0.6, methods@1.1.1, cookie@0.1.2, fresh@0.2.4, escape-html@1.0.1, range-parser@1.0.2, finalhandler@0.3.6, content-type@1.0.1, vary@1.0.0, parseurl@1.3.0, serve-static@1.9.3, content-disposition@0.5.0, path-to-regexp@0.1.3, depd@1.0.1, qs@2.4.2, on-finished@2.2.1, debug@2.2.0, etag@1.6.0, proxy-addr@1.0.8, send@0.12.3, type-is@1.6.2, accepts@1.2.7)
I can now use the commands:
# ~/node/bin/node -v
# ~/node/bin/npm -v
For security reasons, I have renamed my node directory to something else.