What\'s the difference in an asp.NET environment with Windows Authentication and Identity Impersonation turned on, between HttpContext.Current.User.Principal and WindowsIdentity
According to this forum on WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name vs. User.Identity.Name:
represents the identity passed from IIS.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name
is the identity under which the thread is running.
Depending on your app's authentication settings in IIS, they will return different values:
| Anonymous | Impersonate | User.Identity.Name | WindowsIndentiy.GetCurrent() |
| Yes | True | Empty String | IUSR_<machineName> |
| Yes | False | Empty String | NT Authority\Network Service |
| No | True | domain\user | domain\user |
| No | False | domain\user | NT Authority\Network Service |