I\'m wondering how it\'s possible to \'translate\' characters in UTF-8 to the closest ASCII equivalent using Javascript, just like Iconv doest in PHP.
The easiest way I've found:
var str = "üó";
var combining = /[\u0300-\u036F]/g;
console.log(str.normalize('NFKD').replace(combining, ''));
There is now a port of iconv to JS: https://www.npmjs.com/package/iconv
var iconv = new Iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE');
iconv.convert('ça va が'); // "ca va "
As @Pointy said, your only option is to map/replace characters according to a dictionary.
You'll find this really useful: https://github.com/backbone-paginator/backbone.paginator/blob/a579796a30e583c4dfa09e0a86e4abd21e0b5b56/plugins/diacritic.js