I am trying to extract a certain part of a column that is between delimiters.
e.g. find foo in the following
test \'esf :foo: bar
So in the above I\'d wa
This is what I am extracting from (mainly colon ':' as delimiter but some exceptions), as column theline255 in table loaddata255:
23856.409:0023:trace:message:SPY_EnterMessage (0x2003a) L"{#32769}" [0081] WM_NCCREATE sent from self wp=00000000 lp=0023f0b0
This is the MySql code (It quickly did what I want, and is straight forward):
time('2000-01-01 00:00:00' + interval substring_index(theline255, '.', 1) second) as hhmmss
, substring_index(substring_index(theline255, ':', 1), '.', -1) as logMilli
, substring_index(substring_index(theline255, ':', 2), ':', -1) as logTid
, substring_index(substring_index(theline255, ':', 3), ':', -1) as logType
, substring_index(substring_index(theline255, ':', 4), ':', -1) as logArea
, substring_index(substring_index(theline255, ' ', 1), ':', -1) as logFunction
, substring(theline255, length(substring_index(theline255, ' ', 1)) + 2) as logText
from loaddata255
and this is the result:
# LogTime, LogTimeMilli, LogTid, LogType, LogArea, LogFunction, LogText
'06:37:36', '409', '0023', 'trace', 'message', 'SPY_EnterMessage', '(0x2003a) L\"{#32769}\" [0081] WM_NCCREATE sent from self wp=00000000 lp=0023f0b0'
With only one set of delimeters, the following should work:
Here ya go, bud:
(CHAR_LENGTH(column) - LOCATE(':',REVERSE(column)) - LOCATE(':',column)))
FROM table
Yea, no clue why you're doing this, but this will do the trick.
By performing a LOCATE, we can find the first ':'. To find the last ':', there's no reverse LOCATE, so we have to do it manually by performing a LOCATE(':', REVERSE(column)).
With the index of the first ':', the number of chars from the last ':' to the end of the string, and the CHAR_LENGTH (don't use LENGTH() for this), we can use a little math to discover the length of the string between the two instances of ':'.
This way we can peform a SUBSTR and dynamically pluck out the characters between the two ':'.
Again, it's gross, but to each his own.
If you know the position you want to extract from as opposed to what the data itself is:
$colNumber = 2; //2nd position
$sql = "REPLACE(SUBSTRING(SUBSTRING_INDEX(fooField, ':', $colNumber),
$colNumber - 1)) + 1)";
A combination of LOCATE and MID would probably do the trick.
If the value "test 'esf :foo: bar" was in the field fooField:
MID( fooField, LOCATE('foo', fooField), 3);