I recently installed a bunch of dotfiles on my Mac along with some other applications (I changed to iTerm instead of Terminal, and Sublime as my default text editor) but eve
Simply upgrading python3 worked for me:
brew upgrade python3
So there are many ways but one which worked for me is as follows since I already had my requirements.txt file freeze.
So delete old virtual environment with following command
cd ..
rm -r old_virtual_environment
to install virtualenv python package with pip
use pip install virtualenv
then check if it's installed correctly
use virtualenv --version
jump to your project directory
use cd project_directory
now create new virtual environment inside project directory using following
use virtualenv name_of_new_virtual_environment
now activate newly created virtual environment
use source name_of_new_virtual_environment/bin/activate
now install all project dependencies using following command
use pip install -r requirements.txt