I want to use git to clone a svn repository, but unfortunately, where svn checkout
gets the repo with all externals, git svn clone
only gets the reposi
git-svn doesn't support externals, but you may try SmartGit instead of git-svn. It supports svn:externals, converting them into .gitsvnextmodules file and displaying as modules. The only restriction: you should clone the repository with SmartGit instead of opening already existing git-svn repository.
I have been use git as a front end to access a SVN repository. The structure in SVN is generally pretty simple such that there is top level directory which has the externals in it and no externals in sub-directories. Also the externals don't really change much once they are added in. So assuming something like:
git svn clone X
cd X
I have had success getting all the externals with the following command:
git svn show-externals | \
perl -ne 'if (/^\/(.*) (.*)/) { print "git svn clone $1 $2\n"; }' | \
I guess a more complicated structure for externals would require a more complicated perl script. Also, if your externals change you will need to do something similar again.
I post solution here that works in my case
git svn show-externals | \
awk '/^\// { print "git svn clone "$3" ."$1" "$2":HEAD" }' | \