I want to add elements to my Hash lists, which can have more than one value. Here is my code. I don\'t know how I can solve it!
class dictionary
def initializ
I think this is what you're trying to do
class Dictionary
def initialize()
@data = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
def [](key)
def []=(key,words)
@data[key] += [words].flatten
d = Dictionary.new
d['tall'] = %w(long word1 word2)
d['something'] = %w(anything foo bar)
d['more'] = 'yes'
puts d.inspect
#=> #<Dictionary:0x42d33c @data={"tall"=>["long", "word1", "word2"], "something"=>["anything", "foo", "bar"], "more"=>["yes"]}>
puts d['tall'].inspect
#=> ["long", "word1", "word2"]
Now avoids duplicate values thanks to Array#uniq!
d = Dictionary.new
d['foo'] = %w(bar baz bof)
d['foo'] = %w(bar zim) # bar will not be added twice!
puts d.inspect
#<Dictionary:0x42d48c @data={"foo"=>["bar", "baz", "bof", "zim"]}>
Probably, you want to merge two Hashes?
my_hash = { "key1"=> value1 }
another_hash = { "key2"=> value2 }
my_hash.merge(another_hash) # => { "key1"=> value1, "key2"=> value2 }