I am in the process of learning Backbone.js. I currently assume that if one is using Backbone.js then all client-side javascript/jQuery should be integrated with Backbone. From
Here's a useful article giving an example of autocomplete in Backbone.js+jQuery and comparing it to the pure jQuery http://rockyj.in/2012/05/25/intro_to_backbone_jQuery.html
Attache all your plugins when you render the view:
you can do something like this:
render: function () {
var view = this;
// Fetch the template, render it to the View element and call done.
application_namespace.fetchTemplate(this.template, function (tmpl) {
var viewModel = view.model.toJSON();
minLength: 1,
source: function (request, response) {
$.getJSON("url" + view.storeId, {
term: request.term,
}, function (data) {
response($.map(data, function (item) {
return {
value: item.title,
obj: item
select: function (event, ui) {
//your select code here
var x = ui.item.obj;
var categories = view.model.get("x");
// bla bla
error: function (event, ui) {
//your error code here
Hope that helps
In my view, the collection with the data is accessed using this.collection
, like @saniko i set up the autocomplete in the view's render
render : function() {
var me = this; //Small context issues
source : function(request, response){
me.collection.on('reset', function(eventname){
var data = me.collection.pluck('name');
response(data); //Please do something more interesting here!
me.collection.url = '/myresource/search/' + request.term;
I'm using autocomplete to enhance "locality" fields in many form views which interact with different models and different search apis.
In this case I feel that "autocomplete locality" is a "behavior" of the field, rather than a view itself and to keep it DRY I implement it this way:
Here is some coffeescript extracts (I'm also using requirejs and the awesome jquery-ui amd wrapper at https://github.com/jrburke/jqueryui-amd)
The LocalityAutocompleteBehavior :
define [
#indirect ref via $, wrapped by jqueryui-amd
], ($) ->
class LocalityAutocompleteBehavior
#this applies the behavior to the jQueryObj and uses the model for
#communication by means of events and attributes for the data
apply: (model, jQueryObj) ->
select: (event, ui) ->
#populate the model with namespaced autocomplete data
#(my models extend Backbone.NestedModel at
# https://github.com/afeld/backbone-nested)
model.set 'autocompleteLocality',
geonameId: ui.item.id
name: ui.item.value
latitude: ui.item.latitude
longitude: ui.item.longitude
#trigger a custom event if you want other artifacts to react
#upon autocompletion
source: (request, response) ->
#straightforward implementation (mine actually uses a local cache
#that I stripped off)
url: 'http://api.whatever.com/search/destination'
success: (data) ->
#return an instanciated autocomplete to keep the cache alive
return new LocalityAutocompleteBehavior()
And an extract of a view using this behavior :
define [
#if you're using requirejs and handlebars you should check out
#model dependencies
#autocomplete behavior for the locality field
], ($, FormTemplate, SearchRequest, LocalityAutocompleteBehavior ) ->
#SearchFormView handles common stuff like searching upon 'enter' keyup,
#click on '.search', etc...
class SearchActivityFormView extends SearchFormView
template: FormTemplate
#I like to keep refs to the jQuery object my views use often
$term: undefined
$locality: undefined
initialize: ->
render: =>
#render the search form
#initialize the refs to the inputs we'll use later on
@$term = @$('input.term')
@$locality = @$('input.locality')
#Apply the locality autocomplete behavior to the form field 'locality'
LocalityAutocompleteBehavior.apply(@model, @$locality)
#return this view as a common practice to allow for chaining
search: =>
#A search is just an update to the 'query' attribute of the SearchRequest
#model which will perform a 'fetch' on 'change:query', and I have a result
#view using using the same model that will render on 'change:results'...
#I love Backbone :-D
@model.setQuery {term: @$term.val(), locality: @$locality.val()}