Azure cloud service project configuration (.csdef and .cscfg) in multiple environments

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南笙 2021-02-07 23:39

Currently we have a development cloud services (acme-dev-service) and a production cloud service (acme-prod-service). Our current setup in our solution has a cloud service proje

  • 2021-02-08 00:16

    The CSDefinition file is the real kicker here. If you have a value you need to be different between two environments (dev/test/stage/production, etc.) then you really have three options:

    1) Manually modify the value before a deployment. have two options.

    1) Tap into the MS Build process and determine which cloud configuration you have selected (the one used to determine which version of the .cscfg file will be used) and then have the build modify the .csdef after the build and prior to packaging (there is a time when the file has been copied to a different directory just before packaging and this is where you want to make the change). This can be tricky, though I've seen it done and have even done so myself in the early SDK days. Here is a blog post explaining one example where he's using WebConfigTransformRunner to do just that: I don't really think this is your best option because it is opaque. It's not evident what is going on and someone who comes along after you to maintain the code will not know about this little gem and will spend forever trying to figure out why some value they put into the csdef somewhere is somehow getting overwritten after they publish to a different environment.

    2) Use the two Azure Project approach you mentioned. You can set up build definitions in your Build tool of choice that determine which of the Azure projects you want to build and publish. Personally I think this is the best way to deal with different .csdef files. It's straight forward and doesn't require modifying the csproj files. I'm not opposed to csproj file changing, it's just not overly obvious it was done and, speaking as someone who has inherited things like that, it's not easy to find when people do that kind of thing and they aren't around to tell you about it.

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