I get a strange error when I add a new property to message.properties file in my grails application during runtime. When I restart the application via the command line, or resta
This happened to me when I installed java 8 in parallel with java 7 on Ubuntu but didn't properly configure it with update-alternatives. Specifically, JAVA_HOME was not set properly.
You should be using JDK rather than JRE.
Also, if you don't need the native2ascii (which you probably don't), in BuildConfig.groovy use: grails.enable.native2ascii = false
Very frustrating bug.
After I executed all the steps suggested above in this thread, grails app was STILL not seeing tools.jar...
For anyone experiencing this problem in GGTS when pointing to the 1.7 jdk (when setting the jre) persisting afterwards, you MUST do the following:
That completely solve my problem - THANK GOD!!!!
p.s. i also had to set my JAVA_HOME to my 1.7 jdk correctly, in my .bash_profile but, that's already called out here as part of the solution.
Thanks everyone for contributing on this one - this bug has been causing me brain damage whilst tinkering with it today, and the above suggestions got me 99% of the way there!
It solves the issue.
Note: to get correct jdk path, check GGTS --> Windows --> Preferences --> Java --> Installed JREs --> JREs Home Path
I had a similar problem, in the end I
Hope this helps
I had a similar error when compiling Grails 2 from the command line under linux.
Error packaging application: Error occurred processing message bundles: Error starting Sun's native2ascii: ... Caused by: : Error starting Sun's native2ascii: ... Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: sun.tools.native2ascii.Main`
I solved it by setting JAVA_HOME to JDK as mentioned above, something like
and not:
also include $JAVA_HOME/bin
in the PATH