In my word game there is a grid with 3 letter words.
The aim of the game is to spell the words by clicking on the corresponding letters
Why not using a draggable/droppable element with an accept/revert setting, since you are using jQuery UI already?
Here is a theoretical way to accomplish an accept/revert drag & drop:
First you need to set your draggable to revert if it is not accepted:
$(".drag").draggable({ revert: 'invalid' });
Then of course you need to define what is valid in your droppable :
$(".drop").droppable({ accept: '.drag' });
Either you try using a selector to filter the right answers, by setting a class for each letter (.addClass("b");)
and later change dynamically this selector with .droppable("option","accept",".b")
Or use the magic powder included in jQuery UI. You can insert a function as a value for "accept"
, it's returned value will define what you accept as a valid element:
accept: function()
// add a conditon here to return true or false
To do the same with your click event :
$('.drag').on('click', function(e)
var target = $('.drop-box.spellword:not(.occupied):first');
var targetPos = target.position();
var currentPos = $(this).offset();
var b = $(this);
// compare clicked letter with expected letter
if(b.attr("data-letter") == target.attr("data-letter"))
'position' : 'absolute',
'top' : currentPos.top,
'left': currentPos.left
top : targetPos.top,
left : targetPos.left
}, 'slow', function() {
b.remove().css({ top: 0, left: 0 }).appendTo(target);
If I understand the question, you are looking for a way to check the validity of a word that is created by selecting letters, and then applying styles to the word.
Heres what I would do:
var dict = []; // Create an array with all of the possible words
var word = "";
function createWord(){ // Creates the variable word to be checked against array
var addToWord = $(this).html(); // Sets the variable addTo Word to the letter selected
word = word + addToWord; // Adds the selected letter to the current word
function checkWord(){
var i = dict[].length; // Sets incrementor "i" to the length of the array
while (i){ // While "i" is a positive value
if (word == dict[i]){ // Checks if the word is equal to the word in that spot of the array
// If it is, apply the correct styles
else{ // If it isn't,
// Do Nothing
i = i--; // Decrease i by one, and repeat until the whole array has been checked
$('foo bar').click(function(){
Good Luck! Hope this helps.