Is there a way to change the background property of my material-ui AppBar
component to transparent without having to actually change the CSS?
I\'ve tried th
<AppBar color="transparent" elevation={0}>
You can change its background color to transparent and remove the box-shadow this way:
<AppBar position="static" style={{ background: 'transparent', boxShadow: 'none'}}>
The inline styles do the trick, so thanks for that. But I felt a little uncomfortable with the approach since we wouldn't normally use inline styles--with or without React.
I delved a little deeper to try to find something that fits more with the framework, and this is what I came up with.
// in App.js
const GlobalCss = withStyles({
'@global': {
'.MuiAppBar-root': {
background: 'transparent',
boxShadow: 'none'
})(() => null)
The tag then needs to be inserted into the markup, which for me is:
<GlobalCss />
The relevant parts of the documentation are: