Is a collection with flatMap a monad?

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独厮守ぢ 2021-02-07 15:30

Scala has the trait Iterable[A] that defines

def flatMap[B](f: (A) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[B]): Iterable[B] 

That certainly looks

  • 2021-02-07 15:35

    To answer your question in the context of core Scala excluding Scalaz and category theory, while core Scala does not have a trait, class or object named "Monad", it does implement an object-oriented concept of monad that I will reference as Orderskian monad, since it was invented and implemented primarily by Martin Ordersky (and Adrian Moors according to

    An Orderskian monad requires at least map, flatmap and withFilter functions as explained in "Programming In Scala" (2Ed:PDF edition:chapter 23:page 531) by Martin Odersky where he states "Therefore, map, flatMap and withFilter can be seen as an object-oriented version of the functional concept of monad." Based on this, Scala Collections are Orderskian monads.

    To answer your question including Scalaz, it requires a scalaz.Monad implementatation to extend the Monad trait and implement two abstract functions, pure and bind, in order to satisfy three laws requiring them ( Core Scala collections do not meet those requirements so nothing could ever break their scalaz.Monad-ness because it never existed. To the extent that scalaz.Monad models category theory monad, this argument applies to the latter.

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  • 2021-02-07 15:41

    The answer to your headline question is no. A collection with flatMap is not sufficient to be a monad. It might be a monad if it satisfies some further conditions.

    Your "minor" issue certainly breaks the monadicity (the proper word for "monad-ness") of Iterable. This is because many subtypes of Iterable and GenTraversableOnce are not monads. Therefore, Iterable is not a monad.

    Your "major" issue is not a problem at all. For example, the function argument to the List monad's flatMap receives the elements of the List one at a time. Each element of the list generates a whole list of results, and those lists are all concatenated together at the end.

    Fortunately, judging whether something is a monad is really easy! We just have to know the precise definition of monad.

    The requirements for being a monad

    1. A monad has to be a type constructor F[_] that takes one type argument. For example, F could be List, Function0, Option, etc.
    2. A monadic unit. This is a function that takes a value of any type A and produces a value of type F[A].
    3. A monadic composition operation. It's an operation that takes a function of type A => F[B], and a function of type B => F[C] and produces a composite function of type A => F[C].

    (There are other ways of stating this, but I find this formulation straightforward to explain)

    Consider these for Iterable. It definitely takes one type argument. It has a unit of sorts in the function Iterable(_). And while its flatMap operation doesn't strictly conform, we could certainly write:

    def unit[A](a: A): Iterable[A] = Iterable(a)
    def compose[A,B,C](f: A => Iterable[B],
                       g: B => Iterable[C]): A => Iterable[C] =
      a => f(a).flatMap(g)

    But this does not make it a monad, since a monad additionally has to satisfy certain laws:

    1. Associativity: compose(compose(f, g), h) = compose(f, compose(g, h))
    2. Identity: compose(unit, f) = f = compose(f, unit)

    An easy way to break these laws, as lmm has already pointed out, is to mix Set and List as the Iterable in these expressions.


    While a type construction with just flatMap (and not unit), is not a monad, it may form what's called a Kleisli semigroupoid. The requirements are the same as for monad, except without the unit operation and without the identity law.

    (A note on terminology: A monad forms a Kleisli category, and a semigroupoid is a category without identities.)


    Scala's for-comprehensions technically have even fewer requirements than semigroupoids (just map and flatMap operations obeying no laws). But using them with things that are not at least semigroupoids has very strange and surprising effects. For example, it means that you can't inline definitions in a for-comprehension. If you had

    val p = for {
      x <- foo
      y <- bar
    } yield x + y

    And the definition of foo were

    val foo = for {
      a <- baz
      b <- qux
    } yield a * b

    Unless the associativity law holds, we cannot rely on being able to rewrite this as:

    val p = for {
      a <- baz
      b <- qux
      y <- bar
    } yield a * b + y

    Not being able to do this kind of substitution is extremely counterintuitive. So most of the time when we work with for-comprehensions we assume that we're working in a monad (likely even if we're not aware of this), or at least a Kleisli semigroupoid.

    But note that this kind of substitution does not work in general for Iterable:

    scala> val bar: Iterable[Int] = List(1,2,3)
    bar: Iterable[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
    scala> val baz: Iterable[Int] = Set(1,2,3)
    baz: Iterable[Int] = Set(1, 2, 3)
    scala> val qux: Iterable[Int] = List(1,1)
    qux: Iterable[Int] = List(1, 1)
    scala> val foo = for {
         |   x <- bar
         |   y <- baz
         | } yield x * y
    foo: Iterable[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 6, 3, 6, 9)
    scala> for {
         |   x <- foo
         |   y <- qux
         | } yield x + y
    res0: Iterable[Int] = List(2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 4, 4, 7, 7, 10, 10)
    scala> for {
         |   x <- bar
         |   y <- baz
         |   z <- qux
         | } yield x * y + z
    res1: Iterable[Int] = List(2, 3, 4, 3, 5, 7, 4, 7, 10)

    For more information about monads

    For more on monads in Scala, including what it all means and why we should care, I encourage you to have a look at chapter 11 of my book.

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  • 2021-02-07 15:42

    Scala collection methods flatMap and flatten are more powerful than monadic flatMap/flatten. See here:

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  • 2021-02-07 15:56

    The "major" concern is easier to answer: no, it doesn't, because that's not what it means. A monad is not required to have any particular "value" or none, only to compose with functions in particular ways.

    For the "minor" one, you're right to be concerned about the types. Properly, a monad is a monoid (with some additional constraints), meaning it's a set with certain operations. The elements of this set are, as far as I can tell, things of type A => M[B] (in scalaz this type is called Kleisli); flatMap is the |+| operation of the monoid.

    Does the set of all possible A => Iterable[B] in Scala form a monoid with respect to this operation (and a suitable choice of identity)? No, very much not, because there are plenty of possible A => Iterable[B] that violate the monad laws. For a trivial example, {a: A => throw new RuntimeException()}. A more serious example is that e.g. if a Set is present in a flatMap chain, this can break associativity: suppose we have:

    f: String => Iterable[String] = {s => List(s)}
    g: String => Iterable[String] = {s => Set(s)}
    h: String => Iterable[String] = {s => List("hi", "hi")}


    ((f |+| g) |+| h).apply("hi") = List("hi") flatMap h = List("hi", "hi")


    (f |+| (g |+| h)).apply("hi") = List("hi") flatMap {s => Set("hi")} = List("hi")

    which is upsetting, because the whole point of a monoid is that we can write f |+| g |+| h and not worry about which way we evaluate it. Going back to monads, the point is that we should be able to write

    for {
      a <- f("hi")
      b <- g(a)
      c <- h(b)
    } yield c

    and not worry about which order the flatMaps are composed in. But for the f, g and h from above, which answer do you expect the above code to give? (I know the answer, but it's quite surprising). With a true monad, the question wouldn't come up except as a scala compiler implementation detail, because the answer would be the same either way.

    On the other hand, does a particular subset of possible A => M[B], e.g. "the set of all A => List[B] implemented under the scalazzi safe subset of scala", form a monad with respect to that definition of flatMap? Yes (at least for the commonly accepted definition of when two scala functions are equal). And there are several subsets for which this applies. But I think it's not entirely true to say that scala Iterables in general form a monad under flatMap.

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  • 2021-02-07 15:58

    I think a collection with a flatMap is not necessarily a monad. It does not necessarily fit the monad laws. These laws are probably better explained in Functional Programming in Scala than I could do.

    Recently I heard from a coworker a simplified and pragmatic explanation (with self-consciousness) of what is a monad in Scala: something you can put in a for comprehension.

    I'm not a monad expert, but it seems to me that this is not true, and so it is for collections with flatMap. The most obvious exemple of this is in Scala lib Either as it is not right biaised and it does not have any flatMap method until you project it to a side (and this projection is not monadic as it returns Either). As far as I understand it, a type is not a monad (or a monoid or whatever), but a type may have a monad (or even many ones? not sure but would be interested by any exemple (but maybe Either is the good one?)).

    I think Scala is a pragmatic language, in which it can sometimes be useful to forget about strict rules and help programmers to do their job more easily. Not all programmers care about what is a monad, but many probably want to flatten a List[Set[Int]] at some point and flatMap may help them.

    This reminds me of this blog post in which the Future type is considered as copointed for tests.

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