I am wondering what the proper way to go about downloading the image from this RUL would be: http://www.hidemyass.com/proxy-list/img/port/7018246/1
The way I tried downl
Thanks Tim, I also found your answer very helpful, just small note: Looks like you haven't closed URL stream. I'm just starting with Groovy, and I've heard that it close steams when exit from closure so we can change code like that:
public void download(def address) {
new File("${address.tokenize('/')[-1]}.png").withOutputStream { out ->
new URL(address).withInputStream { from -> out << from; }
You can get image type from their content type - URLConnection.getContentType() or from byte array:
ext=URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(content)).replaceFirst("^image/","")
new File("logo."+ext).setBytes(content)
Does this work? I believe it should:
public void download(def address) {
new File("${address.tokenize('/')[-1]}.png").withOutputStream { out ->
out << new URL(address).openStream()