I would like to add an Integration Test phase to my SBT + Spray app.
Ideally it would be just like Maven, with the following phases:
I have now written my own code to do this. Issues that I encountered:
I found that converting my build.sbt
to a project/Build.scala
file fixed most of the compile errors (and made compile errors in general much easier to fix, as IntelliJ could help much more easily).
The nicest way I could find for launching the app in a background process was to use sbt-start-script
and to call that script in a new process.
Killing the background process was very difficult on Windows.
The relevant code from my app is posted below, as I think a few people have had this problem. If anyone writes an sbt plugin to do this "properly", I would love to hear of it.
Relevant code from project/Build.scala
object MyApp extends Build {
import Dependencies._
lazy val project = Project("MyApp", file("."))
// Functional test setup.
// See http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Detailed-Topics/Testing#additional-test-configurations-with-shared-sources
.settings(inConfig(FunctionalTest)(Defaults.testTasks) : _*)
testOptions in Test := Seq(Tests.Filter(unitTestFilter)),
testOptions in FunctionalTest := Seq(
Tests.Setup(FunctionalTestHelper.launchApp _),
Tests.Cleanup(FunctionalTestHelper.shutdownApp _)),
// We ask SBT to run 'startScriptForJar' before the functional tests,
// since the app is run in the background using that script
test in FunctionalTest <<= (test in FunctionalTest).dependsOn(startScriptForJar in Compile)
// (other irrelvant ".settings" calls omitted here...)
lazy val FunctionalTest = config("functional") extend(Test)
def functionalTestFilter(name: String): Boolean = name endsWith "FuncSpec"
def unitTestFilter(name: String): Boolean = !functionalTestFilter(name)
This helper code is in project/FunctionTestHelper.scala
import java.net.URL
import scala.concurrent.{TimeoutException, Future}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.sys.process._
* Utility methods to help with the FunctionalTest phase of the build
object FunctionalTestHelper {
* The local port on which the test app should be hosted.
val port = "8070"
val appUrl = new URL("http://localhost:" + port)
var processAndExitVal: (Process, Future[Int]) = null
* Unfortunately a few things here behave differently on Windows
val isWindows = System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Windows")
* Starts the app in a background process and waits for it to boot up
def launchApp(): Unit = {
if (canConnectTo(appUrl)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"There is already a service running at " + appUrl)
val appJavaOpts =
s"-Dspray.can.server.port=$port " +
s"-Dmyapp.integrationTests.itMode=true " +
val javaOptsName = if (isWindows) "JOPTS" else "JAVA_OPTS"
val startFile = if (isWindows) "start.bat" else "start"
// Launch the app, wait for it to come online
val process: Process = Process(
"./target/" + startFile,
javaOptsName -> appJavaOpts)
processAndExitVal = (process, Future(process.exitValue()))
// We add the port on which we launched the app to the System properties
// for the current process.
// The functional tests about to run in this process will notice this
// when they load their config just before they try to connect to the app.
System.setProperty("myapp.integrationTests.appPort", port)
// poll until either the app has exited early or we can connect to the
// app, or timeout
waitUntilTrue(20.seconds) {
if (processAndExitVal._2.isCompleted) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The functional test target app has exited.")
* Forcibly terminates the process started in 'launchApp'
def shutdownApp(): Unit = {
println("Closing the functional test target app")
if (isWindows)
* Java processes on Windows do not respond properly to
* "destroy()", perhaps because they do not listen to WM_CLOSE messages
* Also there is no easy way to obtain their PID:
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4750470/how-to-get-pid-of-process-ive-just-started-within-java-program
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/801609/java-processbuilder-process-destroy-not-killing-child-processes-in-winxp
* http://support.microsoft.com/kb/178893
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14952948/kill-jvm-not-forcibly-from-command-line-in-windows-7
private def shutdownAppOnWindows(): Unit = {
// Find the PID of the server process via netstat
val netstat = "netstat -ano".!!
val m = s"(?m)^ TCP${port}.* (\\d+)$$".r.findFirstMatchIn(netstat)
if (m.isEmpty) {
println("FunctionalTestHelper: Unable to shut down app -- perhaps it did not start?")
} else {
val pid = m.get.group(1).toInt
s"taskkill /f /pid $pid".!
* True if a connection could be made to the given URL
def canConnectTo(url: URL): Boolean = {
try {
} catch {
case _:Exception => false
* Polls the given action until it returns true, or throws a TimeoutException
* if it does not do so within 'timeout'
def waitUntilTrue(timeout: Duration)(action: => Boolean): Unit = {
val startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (!action) {
if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeMillis).millis > timeout) {
throw new TimeoutException()