We wrote a function get_timestamp()
defined as
RETURNS integer AS
The key word IMMUTABLE
is never added automatically by pgAdmin or Postgres. Whoever created or replaced the function did that.
The correct volatility for the given function is VOLATILE
(also the default), not STABLE
- or it wouldn't make sense to use clock_timestamp() which is VOLATILE
in contrast to now() or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP which are STABLE
: those return the same timestamp within the same transaction. The manual:
returns the actual current time, and therefore its value changes even within a single SQL command.
The manual warns that function volatility STABLE
is inappropriate for
triggers that wish to query rows modified by the current command.
.. because repeated evaluation of the trigger function can return different results for the same row. So, not STABLE
You ask:
Do you have an idea as to why the function returned correctly five times before sticking on the fifth value when set as
The Postgres Wiki:
With 9.2, the planner will use specific plans regarding to the parameters sent (the query will be planned at execution), except if the query is executed several times and the planner decides that the generic plan is not too much more expensive than the specific plans.
Bold emphasis mine. Doesn't seem to make sense for an IMMUTABLE
function without input parameters. But the false label is overridden by the VOLATILE
function in the body (voids function inlining): a different query plan can still make sense.
trunc() is slightly faster than floor()
and does the same here, since positive numbers are guaranteed:
SELECT (trunc(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM clock_timestamp()) * 10) - 13885344000)::int