I have a quick question, what is the fast way to grab and delete an object from a mongo collection. Here is the code, I have currently:
$cursor = $coll->find(
It's hard to say what the best solution is here without understanding all the context - but one approach which you could use is findAndModify
. This will query for a single document and return it, and also apply an update to it.
You could use this to find a document to process and simultaneously modify a "status" field to mark it as being processed, so that other workers can recognize it as such and ignore it.
There is an example here that may be useful: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/command/findAndModify/
I make a new answer to remark the fact:
As commented by @peterscodeproblems in the accepted answer. The native way to this in mongodb right now is to use the
findAndModify(query=<document>, remove=True)
As pointed out by the documentation.
As it is native, and atomic, I expect this to be the faster way to do this.
Use the findAndRemove function as documented here: http://api.mongodb.org/java/current/com/mongodb/DBCollection.html
The findAndRemove function retrieve and object from the mongo database and delete it in a single (atomic) operation.
findAndRemove(query, sort[, options], callback)
I am new to mongodb
and not entirely sure what your query is trying to do, but here is how I would do it
# suppose database is staging
# suppose collection is data
use staging
where is a map and can contain any search criteria you want
Not sure if this would help you.