I have to write an application for image processing in python. does anyone know how to convert the file type of an image from JPEG to TIFF?
Use the Python Imaging Library (PIL).
from PIL import Image
img = Image.open('image.jpeg')
Ref: http://effbot.org/imagingbook/image.htm
Check out the Python Image Library (PIL). See this tutorial, the PIL is quite easy to use.
Supported image formats.
To do the conversion you open the image and then save it with the new extension (which PIL uses to determine what format to use for saving).
import Image
im = Image.open('test.jpg')
im.save('test.tiff') # or 'test.tif'
Note that the official distribution does not support Python 3.x (yet?), however, at least under Windows there's an unofficial version available that works with v 3.x.
Did you try to use PIL ? It can support many image file format.