So I have to create code that validate whether a password:
''' Minimum length is 5;
- Maximum length is 10;
- Should contain at least one number;
- Should contain at least one special character (such as &, +, @, $, #, %, etc.);
- Should not contain spaces.
import string
def checkPassword(inputStr):
if not len(inputStr):
print("Empty string was entered!")
if len(inputStr) < 5 or len(inputStr) > 10:
return False
countLetters = 0
countDigits = 0
countSpec = 0
countWS = 0
for i in inputStr:
if i in string.ascii_uppercase or i in string.ascii_lowercase:
countLetters += 1
if i in string.digits:
countDigits += 1
if i in string.punctuation:
countSpec += 1
if i in string.whitespace:
countWS += 1
if not countLetters:
return False
elif not countDigits:
return False
elif not countSpec:
return False
elif countWS:
return False
return True
print("Output: ",checkPassword(input()))
With Regex
s = input("INPUT: ")
print("{}\n{}".format(s, 5 <= len(s) <= 10 and any(l in "0123456789" for l in s) and any(l in "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~" for l in s) and not " " in s))
Module import
from string import digits, punctuation
def validate_password(p):
if not 5 <= len(p) <= 10:
return False
if not any(c in digits for c in p):
return False
if not any(c in punctuation for c in p):
return False
if ' ' in p:
return False
return True
for p in ('DJjkdklkl', 'John Doe'
, '$kldfjfd9'):
print(p, ': ', ('invalid', 'valid')[validate_password(p)], sep='')
password.isdigit() does not check if the password contains a digit, it checks all the characters according to:
str.isdigit(): Return true if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character, false otherwise.
password.isupper() does not check if the password has a capital in it, it checks all the characters according to:
str.isupper(): Return true if all cased characters in the string are uppercase and there is at least one cased character, false otherwise.
For a solution, please check the question and accepted answer at check if a string contains a number.
You can build your own hasNumbers()
-function (Copied from linked question):
def hasNumbers(inputString):
return any(char.isdigit() for char in inputString)
and a hasUpper()
def hasUpper(inputString):
return any(char.isupper() for char in inputString)
Maybe you can use regex expression:"[A-Z]", password)
Check uppercase letters."[0-9]", password)
Check digits in password.
Or you can use this to check if it got at least one digit:
uppercase_letter = ['A', 'B','C', 'D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O',
number = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]
import re
info ={}
while True:
user_name = input('write your username: ')
if len(user_name) > 15:
print('username is too long(must be less than 16 character)')
elif len(user_name) < 3 :
print('username is short(must be more than 2 character)')
print('your username is', user_name)
while True:
password= input('write your password: ')
if len(password) < 8 :
print('password is short(must be more than 7 character)')
elif len(password) > 20:
print('password is too long(must be less than 21 character)')
elif, password ) is None :
print('Make sure your password has at least one uppercase letter in it')
elif, password) is None :
print('Make sure your password has at least number in it')
print('your password is', password)
info['user name'] = user_name
info['password'] = password