I am a noob at core data, so here goes.
I have a core data object, for example student.
The student has mane attributes, like name, age, dob, address, and so on.
If you are like me and are trying to solve this problem in Swift here is how I did it.
let request:NSFetchRequest<ENTITY_NAME>
if #available(iOS 10.0, *){
request = ENTITY_NAME.fetchRequest() as! NSFetchRequest<ENTITY_NAME>
request = NSFetchRequest<ENTITY_NAME>(entityName: "ENTITY_NAME")
let entities = try YOUR_MOC.fetch(request)
for item in entities{
for key in item.entity.attributesByName.keys{
let value: Any? = item.value(forKey: key)
print("\(key) = \(value)")
Swift 2:
let request = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "ENTITY_NAME")
let entities = try YOUR_MOC.executeFetchRequest(request) as! [YOUR_ENTITY]
for item in entities{
for key in item.entity.attributesByName.keys{
let value: AnyObject? = item.valueForKey(key)
print("\(key) = \(value)")
If you want to get relationship entities key/values as well then you should use propertiesByName
instead of attributesByName
like so:
for key in item.entity.propertiesByName.keys{
let value: Any? = item.value(forKey: key)
print("\(key) = \(value)")
for key in item.entity.propertiesByName.keys{
let value: AnyObject? = item.valueForKey(key)
print("\(key) = \(value)")
Just remember to be careful with the value since it is an NSManagedObject.
Here's a very simple way to iterate over an NSManagedObject:
NSEntityDescription *entity = [myManagedObject entity];
NSDictionary *attributes = [entity attributesByName];
for (NSString *attribute in attributes) {
id value = [myManagedObject valueForKey: attribute];
NSLog(@"attribute %@ = %@", attribute, value);
The clues for how to do this (plus lots more) comes from Ole Bergmann's blog: http://oleb.net/blog/2011/05/inspecting-core-data-attributes/