Python is a dynamically typed language and PySpark doesn't use any special type for key, value pairs. The only requirement for an object being considered a valid data for PairRDD
operations is that it can be unpacked as follows:
k, v = kv
Typically you would use a two element tuple
due to its semantics (immutable object of fixed size) and similarity to Scala Product
classes. But this is just a convention and nothing stops you from something like this:
class KeyValue(object):
def __init__(self, k, v):
self.k = k
self.v = v
def __iter__(self):
for x in [self.k, self.v]:
yield x
from key_value import KeyValue
rdd = sc.parallelize(
[KeyValue("foo", 1), KeyValue("foo", 2), KeyValue("bar", 0)])
## [('bar', 0), ('foo', 3)]
and make an arbitrary class behave like a key-value. So once again if something can be correctly unpacked as a pair of objects then it is a valid key-value. Implementing __len__
and __getitem__
magic methods should work as well. Probably the most elegant way to handle this is to use namedtuples
Also type(rdd.take(1))
returns a list
of length n
so its type will be always the same.