I have an string array filled with words from a sentence.
words[0] = \"the\"
words[1] = \"dog\"
words[2] = \"jumped\"
words[3] = \"over\"
words[4] = \"the\"
The link provides an excellent example. Quoted below:
int main()
multimap<const char*, int, ltstr> m;
m.insert(pair<const char* const, int>("a", 1));
m.insert(pair<const char* const, int>("c", 2));
m.insert(pair<const char* const, int>("b", 3));
m.insert(pair<const char* const, int>("b", 4));
m.insert(pair<const char* const, int>("a", 5));
m.insert(pair<const char* const, int>("b", 6));
cout << "Number of elements with key a: " << m.count("a") << endl;
cout << "Number of elements with key b: " << m.count("b") << endl;
cout << "Number of elements with key c: " << m.count("c") << endl;
cout << "Elements in m: " << endl;
for (multimap<const char*, int, ltstr>::iterator it = m.begin();
it != m.end();
cout << " [" << (*it).first << ", " << (*it).second << "]" << endl;
As two others pointed out, std::multimap
can be your solution.
Also consider std::tr1::unordered_multimap. It is available in VS 2008
seems to have it, GCC
has it at least from version 4.3
you can use a multimap from the STL and use the call
pair<iterator, iterator> equal_range(const key_type& k)
to get a range of iterators that match your key
personally i find this slightly clunky due to having to deal with iterator ranges rather than just getting an object back that represents all values for that key. to get around that you could also store a vector in a regular map and add your strings to the vector.
There can be an alternate approach to achieve two values per key, especially for the cases when most of the map elements have two values per key. By pairing two values for a key, as mentioned in this link:
std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::int, int> > myMap2
use it in the function as:
using namespace std;
int main(){
map<string,pair<int,int>>::iterator it;
cout<<it->first<<" "<<it->second.first<<" "<<it->second.second<<" ";
return 0;
You may also use unordered_map<char,vector<string>>
which has some benefit over map structure. You can do such insertion if your dictionary is like 'c': "cat"
, 'c':"car"
, 'a':apple
, 'a':"angus"
unordered_map<char, vector<string>> char_to_strings_map;
//loop to traverse the dictionary : key:c, value:s
//loop ends
If you're using C++ then just create a class to represent your key-value pairs:
Class foo {
key : String
values : list of values
Then, create a map that maps each key to an object containing its values.
This is simple, extendable, and can be done in any OO-language.
Sorry, my C++ is rusty so the syntax is wrong, but the essential idea is straightforward.