I\'m testing the Wearable Data Layer Api as described in the Android tutorial.
There is a low level API based around DataItem, which can have only a byte array
The uri's authority (which is described as <some guid here> in your post) is Node Id which is available via Node API. In summary, you can construct the Uri as following.
private Uri getUriForDataItem() {
// If you've put data on the local node
String nodeId = getLocalNodeId();
// Or if you've put data on the remote node
// String nodeId = getRemoteNodeId();
// Or If you already know the node id
// String nodeId = "some_node_id";
return new Uri.Builder().scheme(PutDataRequest.WEAR_URI_SCHEME).authority(nodeId).path("/path_to_data").build();
private String getLocalNodeId() {
NodeApi.GetLocalNodeResult nodeResult = Wearable.NodeApi.getLocalNode(mGoogleApiClient).await();
return nodeResult.getNode().getId();
private String getRemoteNodeId() {
HashSet<String> results = new HashSet<String>();
NodeApi.GetConnectedNodesResult nodesResult =
List<Node> nodes = nodesResult.getNodes();
if (nodes.size() > 0) {
return nodes.get(0).getId();
return null;