Is there any way I can use a Terraform template output to another Terraform template\'s input?
Ex: I have a Terraform template which creates an ELB and I have another T
Looks like in newer versions of Terraform you'd access the output var like this
your_elb = "${data.terraform_remote_state.your_state.your_output_resource}"
All the rest is the same, just how you referenced it.
Have you tried using remote state to populate your second template?
Declare it like this:
resource "terraform_remote_state" "your_state" {
backend = "s3"
config {
bucket = "${var.your_bucket}"
region = "${var.your_region}"
key = "${var.your_state_file}"
And then you should be able to pull out your resource directly like this:
your_elb = "${terraform_remote_state.your_state.output.your_output_resource}"
If this doesn't work for you, have you tried implementing your ELB in a module and then just using the output? is a good example of how to structure the module.