How to push a commit to Github from a CircleCI build using a personal access token

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旧巷少年郎 2021-02-07 09:32

When executing a build for git repository giantswarm/docs-content in CircleCI, I\'d like to push a commit to another repository giantswarm/docs.

  • 2021-02-07 10:13

    I've used

    git push -q https://${GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN}<user>/<repo>.git master

    and it worked. Update it to be:

    # Push changes
    git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=120'
    git config "<email>"
    git config "<user-name>"
    git add .
    git commit -m "Update via CircleCI"
    # Push quietly to prevent showing the token in log
    git push -q https://${GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN} master
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  • 2021-02-07 10:13

    Thanks to the hint by Ali Amin I now have this working solution:

    version: 2
        machine: true
          - run:
              name: Clone docs
              working_directory: ~/workdir
              command: |
                git clone --depth 1 https://${DOCS_GITHUB_TOKEN}
          - deploy:
              name: Trigger docs deployment
              working_directory: ~/workdir/docs
              command: |
                git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=120'
                git config "<email>"
                git config "Deployment Bot"
                git commit --allow-empty -m "Trigger deployment"
                # Push quietly to prevent showing the token in log
                git push -q https://${DOCS_GITHUB_TOKEN} master

    Some notes:

    • The git clone is first.
    • All subsequent git commands have to be executed in the clone directory. working_directory simplifies this a great deal.
    • The token DOCS_GITHUB_TOKEN is a personal access token with repo scope for the target repository.
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  • 2021-02-07 10:16

    Although embedding the token into the command works for this case it might not work for all cases and doesn't answer the question.

    1. Other cases would include scripts that dont expose direct access to the git command. They rely on the GH_TOKEN variable being set and you wouldn't be able to inject it as in the example.

    2. It doesn't answer the question:

    Any idea why it doesn't on CircleCI?

    On CircleCI support forum there is an answer about this:

    Running git push results in "ERROR: The key you are authenticating with has been marked as read only."

    The deploy key that the project is configured with, by default when you add a project on CircleCI, only has read access, so a key with write permissions needs to be configured to be used, to avoid the above error message. Please ensure that a user key or a read-write deployment key has been configured for the project

    After going through this process you should have a deploy key with write permissions that allows the push.

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