Angular-cli test coverage all files

前端 未结 6 1211
灰色年华 2021-02-07 09:16

I am running the following command to unit test and generate code code coverage report.

ng test --code-coverage

It is writing code coverage re

  • 2021-02-07 09:58

    1) in ./src/test.ts set / Then we find all the tests.

    const context = require.context(‘./app/’, true, /\.ts/);

    instead of standart 2) update src/tsconfig.spec.json with

    “include”: [

    3) in angular.json set

    “test”: {
         “builder”: “@angular-devkit/build-angular:karma”,
         “options”: {
           “codeCoverage”: true,
           “main”: “src/test.ts”,
           “polyfills”: “src/polyfills.ts”,
           “tsConfig”: “src/tsconfig.spec.json”,
           “karmaConfig”: “src/karma.conf.js”,
           “styles”: [
           “scripts”: [],
           “assets”: [

    I mean add this param “codeCoverage”: true

    And for me it includes all files

    I mean add this param “codeCoverage”: true

    And for me it includes all files

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-07 09:58

    Use below given command to check code coverage:

    ng test -cc
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-07 10:00

    karma.conf.js should be like this. No other configuration is required ng cli will take care of everything. stop the previous run ng test and run ng test --code-coverage.

    module.exports = function (config) {
        basePath: '',
        frameworks: ['jasmine', '@angular/cli'],
        plugins: [
          clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
        coverageIstanbulReporter: {
          reports: [ 'html', 'lcovonly' ],
          fixWebpackSourcePaths: true
        angularCli: {
          environment: 'dev'
        reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml'],
        port: 9876,
        colors: true,
        logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
        autoWatch: true,
        browsers: ['Chrome'],
        singleRun: false
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-07 10:01

    I've just created karma plugin, which adds all the files in the project to coverage statistic -

    To use it → install npm install --save-dev karma-sabarivka-reporter

    And update karma.conf.js like this:

    reporters: [
      // ...
      // ...
    coverageReporter: {
        include: 'src/**/!(*.spec|*.module|environment*).ts', // glob patter which  matchs all the files you want to be included into the coverage result
        exclude: 'src/main.ts',
        // ...

    This solves issue without any other manipulation. Easy to add to existing projects as well as to new ones.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2021-02-07 10:06

    I had the same issue and I found a simple workaround that does the trick for me without any big configuration.

    1. In your app folder, create a file app.module.spec.ts
    2. In this file add an import to your app module.

    import './app.module';

    That's it ;)

    The point is, your app module is most likely the central part of your application which imports any other used files directly or indirectly. Now that you have created the spec file, everything that is included by your module should also be included in the test coverage report.

    I am not 100% sure if this works with lazy loaded modules. If not, you can simply import those lazy loaded modules in your app.module.spec.ts as well, or create a spec file per module, where you import the module.

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  • 2021-02-07 10:20

    Here is the way to do this:

    1. Add client section to your karma.conf.js like this:

      plugins: [
      client: {
          codeCoverage: config.angularCli.codeCoverage
      files: [
    2. Change your test.ts to require files according to codeCoverage parameter:

      let context; 
      if (__karma__.config.codeCoverage) {
          context = require.context('./app/', true, /\.ts/);
      } else {
          context = require.context('./app/', true, /\.spec\.ts/);


    Since Angular CLI 1.5.0 additional steps are required:

    1. Next to tsconfig.spec.json add tsconfig-cc.spec.json file with the following content:

        "extends": "./tsconfig.spec.json",
        "include": [
    2. In your angular-cli.json add the following to apps array:

        "root": "src/",
        "polyfills": "polyfills.ts",
        "test": "test.ts",
        "testTsconfig": "tsconfig-cc.spec.json"
    3. In your karma.conf.js add the following to angularCli section:

      app: config.angularCli.codeCoverage ? '1' : '0'  

      eventually it should look something like this:

      angularCli: {
          environment: 'dev',
          app: config.angularCli.codeCoverage ? '1' : '0'

    So what's happening here?

    Apparently they have fixed Angular compiler plugin and it takes the file globs from tsconfig.spec.json now. As long as we include only **/*.spec.ts in tsconfig.spec.json these are the only files that will be included in coverage.

    The obvious solution is making tsconfig.spec.json include all the files (in addition to require.context). However, this will slow down all the tests even when running without coverage (which we don't want to).

    One of the solutions is using the ability of angular-cli to work with multiple apps.
    By adding another entry into apps array, we're adding another configuration for "another" (which is actually the same one) app.
    We strip out all the irrelevant information in this config, leaving just the test configuration, and put another tsconfig which includes all the ts files.
    Finally, we're telling angular-cli karma plugin to run the tests with the configuration of the second app (index 1) in case it is running with code coverage and run with the configuration of the first app (index 0) if it is running without code coverage.

    Important note: in this configuration I assume you have only one application in .angular-cli.json. In case you have more you have to adjust indexes accordingly.

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