You can't get directly the timer remaining seconds.
You can save in a variable the timestamp when the timer is created and use it to calculate the time to the next execution.
var startTimeMS = 0; // EPOCH Time of event count started
var timerId; // Current timer handler
var timerStep=5000; // Time beetwen calls
// This function starts the timer
function startTimer(){
startTimeMS = (new Date()).getTime();
timerId = setTimeout("eventRaised",timerStep);
// This function raises the event when the time has reached and
// Starts a new timer to execute the opeartio again in the defined time
function eventRaised(){
clearTimer(timerId); // clear timer
startTimer(); // do again
// Gets the number of ms remaining to execute the eventRaised Function
function getRemainingTime(){
return timerStep - ( (new Date()).getTime() - startTimeMS );
- This is custom sample code created "on the fly".