I have updated an application from Delphi 2007 to Delphi 2010, everything went fine, except one statement that compiled fine but not working which is:
If Edit1.T
In addition.
sets are limited to ordinal values of 256 elements. So AnsiChar fits and (Unicode)Char does not fit. You can use CharInSet to port pre unicode versions of Delphi to the unicode versions. Because of the set limitation, sets are not extremely usefull anymore with Chars.
The reason behind this, is that sets are implemented as bitmasks. You are free to implement your own version of a set. For example:
TSet<T> = class
procedure Add(const AElem: T);
function InSet(const AElem: T): Boolean;
This happens because set of char
structured type (limited to 256 elements maximum) doesn't support Unicode at all. That is, any characters Ord(ch) > High(AnsiChar)
being truncated in the set constructor and warning W1061 about narrowing WideChar to AnsiChar is being emitted. Look at the following testcase:
{ naturally, fails, emits CharInSet() suggestion }
Result := 'س' in ['S','س'];
{ fails because second argument is set of AnsiChar }
Result := CharInSet(
{ workaround for WideChar in AnsiCharSet, fails }
Result := WideStrUtils.InOpSet(
{ a syntactical workaround, which finally works }
Result := WideStrUtils.InOpArray(
if Result then
CharInSet is useless for the characters above 255. In your case you should use
case C of
'S','س' : ShowMessage('Found');
Use TCharHelper.IsInArray as follows:
if Edit1.Text[1].IsInArray(['S','س']) then
ShowMessage('Not Found');
Have you set the encoding of your source file to UTF-8
(right click to open the context menu)? (The default is ANSI iirc, which would not work.)