I\'m working in org-mode and trying to generate a link to reference a section by its number, not its title.
* Section One
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:one
You can refer to sections by name:
* Section One
* Section Two
* Links
This is a number link: [[Section One]]
This is a textual link: [[Section One][Some text for the link]]
Here's the LaTeX output:
\section{Section One}
\section{Section Two}
This is a number link: \ref{sec:orgheadline1}
This is a textual link: \hyperref[sec:orgheadline1]{Some text for the link}
I use dedicated targets for this:
* Section One
* Section Two
I can reference Section One with [[sec:one]] and [[sec:one][Section One]],
but I can get the actual section number (1) to resolve.
This works as expected; see the orgmode documentation on internal links for reference.
Tom Regner's approach works, however, you don't have to use dedicated target, you can still use custom_id link, but without a description. Like this:
* Section One
:CUSTOM_ID: sec:one
* Section Two
You can reference Section One with [[#sec:one]] but NOT
[[#sec:one][Section One]], i.e., the link without description
will get you the actual section number (1).