I have a text file with various entries in it. Each entry is ended with line containing all asterisks.
I\'d like to use shell commands to parse this file and assign each
depending on what you want to do with the variables
awk '
f && /\*/{print "variable:"s;f=0}
/\*/{ f=1 ;s="";next}
s=s" "$0
}' file
# ./test.sh
variable: Field1
variable: Lorem ipsum Data to match
variable: More data Still more data
the above just prints them out. if you want, store in array for later use...eg array[++d]=s
Splitting records in (ba)sh is not so easy, but can be done using IFS to split on single characters (simply set IFS='*' before your for loop, but this generates multiple empty records and is problematic if any record contains a '*'). The obvious solution is to use perl or awk and use RS to split your records, since those tools provide better mechanisms for splitting records. A hybrid solution is to use perl to do the record splitting, and have perl call your bash function with the record you want. For example:
foo() {
echo record start:
echo "$@"
echo record end
export -f foo
perl -e "$/='********'; while(<>){chomp;system( \"foo '\$_'\" )}" << 'EOF'
this is a 2-line
the 2nd record
is 3 lines
a 3rd * record
This gives the following output:
record start: this is a 2-line record record end record start: the 2nd record is 3 lines long record end record start: a 3rd * record record end
If you want to do it in Bash, you could do something like the following. It uses globbing instead of regexps (The extglob
shell option enables extended pattern matching, so that we can match a line consisting only of asterisks.)
shopt -s extglob
while read line
case $line in
# do something with $entry here
I'm surprised to not see a native bash solution here. Yes, bash has regular expressions. You can find plenty of random documentation online, particularly if you include "bash_rematch" in your query, or just look at the man pages. Here's a silly example, taken from here and slightly modified, which prints the whole match, and each of the captured matches, for a regular expression.
if [[ $str =~ $regex ]]; then
echo "$str matches"
echo "matching substring: ${BASH_REMATCH[0]}"
while [[ $i -lt $n ]]
echo " capture[$i]: ${BASH_REMATCH[$i]}"
let i++
echo "$str does not match"
The important bit is that the extended test [[ ... ]]
using its regex comparision =~
stores the entire match in ${BASH_REMATCH[0]}
and the captured matches in ${BASH_REMATCH[i]}
Try putting double quotes around the command.
for error in "`python example.py | sed -n '/.*/,/^\**$/p'`"
echo -e $error
echo -e "\n"