I want to remove the first characters from a string. Is there a function that works like this?
>>> a = \"BarackObama\"
>>> print myfunction(4,a
Yes, just use slices:
>> a = "BarackObama"
>> a[4:]
Documentation is here http://docs.python.org/tutorial/introduction.html#strings
The function could be:
def cutit(s,n):
return s[n:]
and then you call it like this:
name = "MyFullName"
print cutit(name, 2) # prints "FullName"
a = 'BarackObama'
a[4:] # ckObama
b = 'The world is mine'
b[6:] # rld is mine
Use slicing.
>>> a = "BarackObama"
>>> a[4:]
>>> b = "The world is mine"
>>> b[6:10]
'rld '
>>> b[:9]
'The world'
>>> b[:3]
'The world is m'
You can read about this and most other language features in the official tutorial: http://docs.python.org/tut/